Here’s what you need to remember ahead of Better Call Saul season 5’s premiere. Although fans were initially unsure if anything could live up to the hype of Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul quickly proved that Vince Gilligan, Peter Gould, and the rest of the creative team were able to capture lightning in a bottle more than once.

While Better Call Saul is much slower-paced than its predecessor, the character-driven drama, unique visuals, and amazing cast make it a worthy successor to Breaking Bad. The show follows Jimmy McGill, a small-time lawyer, on his downward spiral into becoming Saul Goodman, the “criminal lawyer” fans know and love.

The series features a number of other famous Breaking Bad characters like Gus Fring and Mike Ehrmantraut, but it also introduces new faces like Kim Wexler and Nacho Varga, who are revealed to have been key figures in shaping the man Jimmy will eventually become. There’s a lot to cover over the past four seasons, so here’s everything you need to remember about Better Call Saul heading into season 5, broken down character-by-character.

Jimmy Has Finally Started Using The Saul Goodman Name

The final seconds of the Better Call Saul season 4 finale gave fans the line they’ve been waiting for since the show began - as Jimmy was finally reinstated to the bar, he announced to Kim that he’d be practicing law under a new name, and that things are “S’all Good, Man!” Although it’s been a long time coming, Jimmy has finally crossed one of the biggest milestones into becoming the lawyer fans met in Breaking Bad: changing his name to Saul Goodman.

Having been disbarred after assaulting Chuck and confessing to tampering with evidence, Jimmy spent the entirety of last season building up a clientele by selling mobile phones with the promise of privacy from “the man”. Although it initially began as a side gig, Jimmy realized that by selling the phones under the name Saul Goodman, he created a built-in client base of criminals for himself once he got his status as esquire back.

He successfully convinced the bar association to give him his license to practice back after a moving speech about the death of his brother Chuck, but the second he was out of the courtroom he let the facade slip away and revealed to Kim that he was playing them and seemed to feel no real remorse about the death of his brother. Heading into Better Call Saul season 5, his new status as Saul Goodman, criminal lawyer, will no doubt strain his relationship with Kim while also getting him in trouble with the cartel.

Gus’ Meth Superlab Is Getting Closer To Completion

While fans know that Gus’ death will happen on Breaking Bad, there’s still a lot further Gustavo Fring has to go before he’s the man Walter White meets. On the whole, Better Call Saul season 4 went pretty well for Gus - he started construction on his meth superlab, which was the iconic backdrop for many a Breaking Bad installment, including the infamous “Fly” bottle episode.

However, Gus also has a few problems brewing on the horizon. Although his grip on Nacho is tight after killing Arturo and forcing him to work as a double agent within the cartel, the presence of Lalo Salamanca is sure to throw a wrench in his plans. Looking forward to Better Call Saul season 5, Gus will likely be attempting to finalize construction on his lab while also figuring out how to gain control over the Salamanca’s wing of the cartel and exact revenge on the now wheelchair-ridden Hector.

Kim’s Faith In Jimmy Is Being Tested More Than Ever Before

Having stood by Jimmy’s side for the entirety of the show, Kim Wexler began to branch out on her own in Better Call Saul season 4 after Jimmy was disbarred. Her strong interpersonal skills and expert legal eye landed her multiple big clients over the course of the season, but in some key moments, she fumbled and ran to Jimmy’s aid instead of looking out for her own interests. However, she seemed shocked and disappointed in Jimmy’s decision to begin practicing under the name Saul Goodman, so season 5 might be the time that things finally change in Kim’s relationship with Jimmy. While they may not be separate yet, his flexible morality and her strict ethics will likely butt heads in a big way this season.

Lalo Is the New Salamanca In Town - And He’s Taking an Interest in Gus

Perhaps the most highly-anticipated character to be introduced in Better Call Saul, season 4 finally saw the introduction of Lalo Salamanca, a member of the Salamanca crime family sent to oversee their wing of the operation now that Hector is incapacitated. While Lalo only appeared in the last three episodes of season 4, he made a big impression that spells trouble for multiple characters down the road.

Lalo spent the majority of his time in Better Call Saul season 4 familiarizing himself with the goings-on of Albuquerque, and more specifically Gus’ actions. He spent days tailing Mike Ehrmantraut and questioning what Nacho knew about Gus’s operations, which could mean that he may be planning on moving against him in the future. It wouldn’t be surprising, considering he is a Salamanca and Gus has been feuding with his family for years, but no matter what, Lalo will be one to watch, especially with actor Tony Dalton a series regular for Better Call Saul season 5.

Mike Killed Werner - And Moved Closer To His Breaking Bad Self

Something of an unknown quantity heading into Better Call Saul season 5 is ex-cop Mike Ehrmantraut. In season 4 he finally began working with Gus Fring’s operation (via Lydia), and helped to oversee the construction of the meth superlab. He also grew close with German engineer Werner, whom he was forced to kill after Werner ran off the build site in an attempt to visit his wife. Werner’s murder proves that Mike is loyal to Gus, and will be fulfilling the role Breaking Bad fans are familiar seeing him in, which is Gus Fring’s enforcer/hired gun. As to what he’ll be doing in season 5, he could be involved with any number of characters, including Lalo and Nacho, should he catch on to the fact that Gus’s operation is being observed.

Nacho Is Caught Between Gus And The Salamancas

One character who will be under more pressure than ever this season is Nacho Varga. After his failed attempt at killing Hector resulted in him being roped into working for Gus (and getting shot), Nacho’s goal of escaping to Canada with his father seems less and less likely. In addition to working for Gus as a double agent, there’s a new threat Nacho has to worry about - Lalo Salamanca.

Lalo’s presence proves that the Cartel may not be 100% trustworthy of Nacho, so he’ll have to have his guard up more than ever if he wants to make it out alive, even more so with his father. Nacho’s role in the cartel was bumped up in season 4 and he had to prove his mettle more than once (including a memorable scene in which he ripped out a guy’s earring), so looking towards Better Call Saul season 5, he’ll be under scrutiny from all sides.

Howard Is Still Haunted By Chuck’s Death

One character who didn’t fare very well in Better Call Saul season 4 was Hamlin Hamlin McGill’s blonde-haired, pearly-toothed partner Howard Hamlin. Although in the past he’s been a personable, level-headed lawyer, the sudden death of his partner Chuck McGill left him reeling, and he spent the majority of season 4 grief-stricken by the loss. He organized Chuck’s affairs and attempted to connect with Jimmy, but only ended up further creating a rift between the two of them. On the legal side of things, Howard’s work also began to slip in season 4 due to his depression, so looking to season 5, it will be interesting to see whether or not he is able to regain control of his life after suffering such a massive setback.

Next: Every Way Better Call Saul Season 5 Is Closer To Breaking Bad