One of the most important themes throughout the Potter series is the theme of friendship. If it wasn’t for all of the meaningful relationships that Harry made along the way during his journey at Hogwarts, who knows if he would ever be able to defeat Lord Voldemort once and for all? JK Rowling has managed to create brilliant characters who have a whole lot to offer and that is why we are so drawn to them to this day. A lot of these characters would make for excellent companions and here is our list of the ten people from Harry Potter that we’d love to have as our own friends in real life.


For being one of the most famous wizards alive, Harry Potter is surprisingly down to earth. It would be quite easy for someone in his situation to gain a bit of an arrogant streak, but we never really see that side of him throughout the series and the fact that he uses his famous platform for good is an extremely admirable trait.

He has been known to stick up for his friends and he doesn’t befriend people simply based on their social status cough cough Draco Malfoy cough cough cough. We would be lucky to be friends with this kid, who started from the bottom and quickly made his way to the top. Plus, imagine all of the epic stories he could tell you about his encounters with Voldemort. Now that would be a fascinating conversation to have. Sure beats talking about the weather! You’d never run out of things to talk about with that kid. Speaking of never running out of things to say…


Hermione Granger would be a great friend for anyone who wants to be intellectually stimulated. Filled with knowledge, this young lady could go on for days about any given subject. We would benefit a lot from being friends with Granger because not only would she teach us a whole lot, but she would challenge us to be the best versions of ourselves.

This is clearly the case as we can see with the golden trio, where Hermione is constantly pushing Ron and Harry to be better. Although it can seem annoying at times and come across as motherish, at the end of the day it does more good than harm because she is just trying to help her friends grow.


Ron Weasley is the kind of friend who you can kick back with and relate to on a personal level. If we’re going to be honest, most of us aren’t as famous as Harry or as brilliant as Hermione. Because of this, Ronald would probably be the easiest to connect with. Plus, it would be so much fun to get to pig out with Ron while eating chocolate frogs and playing wizards chess with him. Who better to teach us the game than the king of wizards chess himself? He would be an excellent guy to hang out with, and going to his house at the burrow would always be an adventure. With Fred and George running around the place pulling elaborate pranks from left to right, who wouldn’t want to come over?


Imagine how great it would be to hang out with Arthur Weasley. As muggles, Mr. Weasley would be absolutely fascinated by our mere existence and he’d interview us on muggle questions such as “the function of a rubber duck”. It would be awesome having someone like Arthur praising us simply for being ourselves. In the wizarding world, there isn’t a whole lot of love for non-magical folks so we would definitely benefit from Ron’s father’s words of appreciation. Imagine the look on his face if we told him about something as simple as a toaster oven or a hairdryer. He would be so amazed at all the mundane muggle aspects of our lives that it would be like seeing a kid in a candy store.


After Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, it would probably earn us a lot of street-cred to say we’re friends with Neville Longbottom. The way he so casually stood up to Lord Voldemort and his posse of death eaters was undeniably badass, but the best part about Neville is that despite the tough-guy act in the final Potter scenes, he is the probably the biggest sweetheart at Hogwarts. Clearly, he fights for the people that he cares the most about and that is something that is extremely important when it comes to everlasting friendships.


If you don’t want to be friends with Luna Lovegood, you must not have a soul. Luna is the strangest, most creative oddball we’ve ever seen on Hogwarts grounds and this is the exact reason that we admire her so much. She shows zero interest in trying to fit in which is a trait that is quite rare, especially for teenagers.

Luna is around fifteen years old when we are first introduced to her in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and while most teens this age put the majority of their focus on social status, Luna just cares about her friends (and, perhaps, the nargles). People who don’t care about how others perceive them often make the most loyal friends, and we can clearly see that in regards to her relationship with Harry. When everyone else turns on him and refuses to believe him in Order of the Phoenix, Luna is one of the only people at school who takes his side.


Sirius Black is one of those friends who you can never get bored with. Just sitting around doing nothing with that man would be extremely entertaining because he is full of excitement and adventure. If you’re friends with Padfoot, don’t expect to just sit around while binging Gilmore Girls on Netflix. Being friends with this one would be the result of many late-night adventures and constant thrills. Sometimes you just need a pal in your life who can help you get out of your comfort zone and live a little!


Like Sirius, being friends with Fred and George would be a constant thrill. These prankster twins believe that life shouldn’t be taken so seriously, and instead, it should be filled with constant laughter. Sometimes we just need people who can distract us from the mundane aspects of everyday life. Fred and George would be the perfect people to get you out of any rut and they would use their creative minds to make you feel better. Most likely these two will make you laugh so hard that your sides will hurt, so come prepared to feel the burn.


Cedric Diggory is one of the sweetest individuals in the entire Potter series and we would be honored to be friends with this loyal Hufflepuff. Like Luna, Cedric couldn’t care less about how other people perceive him, (even though everyone adores this kid). He will stick up for the people he cares about, even if it will fail to benefit him. For example, in Goblet of Fire, Cedric is competing against Harry in the Triwizard Tournament. Despite Harry being his competition, he sticks up for him when the other kids bully Harry with “Potter Stinks” badges, (wow, nice burn…?), and Cedric even helps him out with tournament clues. That selfless behavior proves he would be a fantastic friend.


Imagine how amazing it would be if we were BFFs with Nymphadora Tonks! Not only could she dye our hair awesome colors, but her carefree personality would most certainly make for an amazing friend. It is clear that this woman is a whole lot of fun to be around and judging by her relationship with Remus Lupin, she is extremely open-minded. Despite Lupin being a werewolf, Tonks still took him in and loved him for all his flaws rather than despite them. We know she would do the same thing for her friends as well and that is why she would be the perfect pal to have around.