Relaying information provided by “high-level sources” from American carrier AT&T, BGR is getting on the early October  iPhone 5 launch bandwagon. They’ve heard that AT&T higher-ups told their managers to prepare employees for a “really, really busy” iPhone 5 launch. The internal communication allegedly includes the specific mention of an early October release:

Several leaks do, however, point to a thinner, sleaker form factor that represents a distinctive departure from iPhone 4’s glass design (although some obviously disagree).

BGR previously reported that AT&T had blocked out September for the iPhone 5 launch and that a radically new iPhone 5 was expected in August. They also forecasted a $350 iPhone was due by “end of summer”.

  • Google plans launch of next Nexus phone to coincide with iPhone 5? (
  • BGR: AT&T prepping for early September iPhone 5 launch (
  • Google plans launch of next Nexus phone to coincide with iPhone 5? (
  • BGR: Radically new iPhone 5 coming in August (