Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler (affectionately known as “Shamy”) stole our hearts back in the Season 3 finale of The Big Bang Theory when they were first brought together. It wasn’t so much of a “will-they-won’t-they” situation – we always knew they were the only two people for each other – but it was certainly a question of how far these two unique characters would be able to take their relationship, mostly because of Sheldon and his “Sheldonisms.”

We never could have predicted the journey these two would have taken. Over the 12-season run, there were some jaw-dropping moments shared, in addition to the many, many times Shamy pulled at our heartstrings. Taking a look back over one of the most talked-about sitcom relationships, here are 5 of the best things that Sheldon did for Amy, and 5 of the best things she did for him.

Things He Did For Her: When he puts her as his emergency contact

In Season 6’s episode, “The Tangible Affection Proof,” Sheldon makes the rookie error of getting his assistant Alex to buy Amy a Valentine’s Day gift. Not just that, but he then likes the gift so much that he keeps it for himself. But, he manages to redeem himself when he reveals to Amy that he’s assigned her the responsibility of being his emergency contact.

Amy isn’t a particularly materialistic person, so a gesture such as this was huge, and she was over the moon. She does, however, live to regret taking on this role when she discovers how demanding being emergency contact to a hypochondriac like Sheldon Cooper is.

Things She Did For Him: When she cancels Valentine’s Day

In the same Valentine’s Day episode, Amy’s gift to Sheldon is to cancel the dinner reservations that she wanted and instead, decides they’re going to have the Valentine’s Day that Sheldon would prefer – staying in, ordering takeaway and watching Star Trek.

This is just one of the many selfless gestures that Amy makes to Sheldon throughout the series and a reminder of what a wonderful and patient person she is.

Things He Did For Her: He finally asks her to be his girlfriend

In Season 5’s, “The Flaming Spittoon Acquisition,” we see a more human side of Sheldon Cooper. Stuart from the comic book store summons up the courage to ask Amy out on a date, and as she and Sheldon don’t have a label on their relationship, she accepts. This does not go down well with Sheldon, who can’t help but feel jealous. So much so, that he interrupts their date to ask Amy to officially be his girlfriend.

How does Sheldon Cooper ask a woman to be his girlfriend? In his own words: “I would not object to us no longer characterizing you as not my girlfriend,” to which Amy responds, “Interesting, now try it without the quadruple negative.” This finally leads us to hear the words we’ve all been waiting for… “Amy, will you be my girlfriend?”

Things She Did For Him: She breaks up with him

OK, so hear us out – it may not have been a “nice” thing to do, but it was the best thing she could have done for him. Up to this point, Sheldon had no real appreciation for Amy in his life, keeping everything comfortable and on his terms, and mostly neglecting her needs. In Season 8’s, “The Commitment Determination,” Amy has had enough.

She realizes her five-year relationship isn’t going anywhere fast, and out of pure frustration, she ends it. This ultimately gives Sheldon the perspective he needs to reflect on how important Amy is to him (even though he’d already bought an engagement ring at this point), and the break-up ultimately makes the couple stronger.

Things He Did For Her: He consoles her after she was excluded from Bernadette’s bridesmaid dress shopping

In Season 5 Episode 8, “The Isolation Permutation,” Sheldon comforts Amy after she finds out that Penny and Bernadette went bridesmaid shopping without her. Realizing the pain she went through, Sheldon sits down with her to listen to her rambling.

While he does so reluctantly, Sheldon is there for Amy, no matter how freaked out he may be by her drunken outbursts, in which she demands to have sex with him.

Things She Did For Him: She puts up with him

This seems like an obvious one, but Amy could not have been more patient with Sheldon. The emotional and physical frustration she goes through in her time on the show is a testament to how much she loves him, and she never really knew if it was all going to pay off.

Yes, she learns to subtly manipulate him to make him do the things she wants, but we can let that slide.

Things He Did For Her: Getting Intimate

In Season 9 Episode 11, “The Opening Night Excitation," Sheldon gives Amy the ultimate birthday gift – coitus. Amy has never been shy about her desire to get intimate with Sheldon, which is why this was such a huge deal.

After many, many years of stalling, Sheldon finally faces his fears and lets it happen. With history in the making, Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler finally have sex.

Things She Did For Him: She Books A Special Weekend Train Trip

In Season 7, Amy arranges a Valentine’s Day trip for her and Sheldon, with a weekend trip on a train – catering to Sheldon’s train obsession, of course. While she expects it to turn into a romantic break, Sheldon’s intense interest in trains unfortunately overshadows the evening.

But it’s not all bad, Sheldon makes up for his erratic behavior by kissing Amy for the first time, resulting in one of the most jaw-dropping moments of the entire series.

Things He Did For Her: He gives her an extravagant gift

“Ohhhh… it’s a TIARA!"

In Season 5’s episode titled, “The Shiny Trinket Maneuver,” Amy is hurt by Sheldon’s lack of appreciation and support for her latest scientific accomplishment. To try and make it up to her, he recruits Penny and they head to a jewelry store to find her an apology gift.

No average piece of jewelry was going to be enough to make it up to her, but the tiara certainly hit the mark.

Things She Did For Him: She bakes his Meemaw’s cookies 

In Season 8’s, “The Clean Room Infiltration," Amy hosts a traditional Christmas dinner for the gang. A kind gesture on its own, Amy exceeds all expectations when she makes Sheldon his Meemaw’s special cookies, which she went out of her way to track down from Sheldon’s grandmother.

Sheldon is overwhelmed by the gesture, exclaiming that they are the perfect cookies, because they taste just like her hugs.