Less than six weeks after the season finale, Big Brother showmance Jack Matthews and Analyse Talavera have announced their separation via an Instagram post on Jack’s page and a series of posts to Analyse’s Instagram Stories.

To say that Jack and Analyse were a fan favorite couple on season 21 of Big Brother would be a generous statement. The pair were part of the Gr8ful alliance (they were also part of the chaotic Unde9able and Six Shooters alliances) that was dubbed by viewers as the “h8ful” alliance, largely in part due to the racist and sexist comments that Jack and fellow alliance member Jackson Michie made. Analyse was also critiqued throughout the season for her ignorant or aggressive comments about other houseguests, and though fans didn’t like them, they could understand why Jack and Analyse were attracted to each other. During their time in the house, the personal trainer and the college soccer star were involved in the typical showmance that seemed to stem purely from being locked up in a house with other pretty people and fans doubted how long they’d make it, or if they’d even try to continue their relationship, after the show ended.

Less than two months after the finale of the season aired, it seems they’ve decided to no longer continue their showmance off-screen as Jack and Analyse have officially called it quits.On November 6th Jack posted a photo of himself and Analyse (via Us Weekly), starting off the caption by saying “I believe it’s best to update all of the supporters and fans that we appreciate so much, on what is happening in Janalyse’s life…” before he dropped the news that “Sis and I have decided to take a break, no hard feelings, no bad blood but with absolute LOVE in our hearts.” The Jason Momoa lookalike wrote that the 22-year-old brought him joy when he needed it the most. Jack finishes his heartfelt post, writing that Analyse had taught him so much and that he’s grateful for the “beautiful memories” they created together. “I’m glad that we were able to be there for each other and we’ll always be friends and partners forever.” You can read Jack’s full post to Analyse below:

Analyse didn’t make post a picture to her Instagram feed, however she did explain to her followers in a series of Instagram Stories that her and Jack had chosen to part ways, writing that she is “so thankful to have met such a great man like Jack and beyond blessed to have been able to experience and create new memories with one another.” She explains that “living in two different states and trying to do long distance has been really hard” and that the couple feels they are “at two different stages in our lives right now.” The California-native finishes her series of Stories with “I am glad we were able to be there for one another and will continue to do so because we will always be great friends no matter what. … I will always have love and a special place in my heart for you Jack Matthews.”

Analyse and Jack were one of two couples from the summer to continue their showmance offscreen, with fellow couple Jackson Michie and Holly Allen still together and going strong after being the first Big Brother showmance to ever sit next to each other in the final two. Based on their posts to each other, it looks like Jack and Analyse have a lot of love for each other and they’re not completely closing the door on getting back together, but for now, they’ve decided to go their separate ways and stick to promoting products on their Instagrams.

Next: Big Brother’s Jackson Michie Calls David Alexander ‘Sketchy,’ Clarifying Past Comments

Source: Us, Jack Matthews