Will Kirby is easily one of the most genius and diabolical players to ever play the game of Big Brother. Will first appeared on the show in 2001, where he dominated Big Brother 2 and took home $500,000. He returned to the show in 2006 to play Big Brother 7, also known as Big Brother: All-Stars.

Will is easily one of the most legendary players thanks to his manipulation tactics, charm, ruthlessness, and strategy. Not only was Will a great player, but he also made for great reality TV. All throughout seasons two and seven, fans had the pleasure of watching him make waves in the house. Keep reading to find out the 10 worst things Will has ever done in the game.

Shamelessly Lied To Everyone But Boogie

Will definitely played the game shamelessly. In season two, he proclaimed himself the biggest liar in the game. Will’s best asset was how charming he was and he absolutely used that to his advantage. He had no problem using his charm to successfully lie to everyone (other than Boogie) in the house to get his way.

Of course, this is how the game of Big Brother is played, but Will always played it so heartlessly. Usually, players feel somewhat guilty about lying, but not Will. He would lie to his fellow housemates’ faces and then go into the Diary Room and diabolically laugh about his most recent game moves.

Tricked The House Into Not Eating For 24 Hours

In season two, Will decided to test the houseguests to find out if he was truly the puppetmaster he thought himself to be. Will strategically brought up the idea of fasting for 24 hours in order to heighten his other senses and asked if anyone else in the house wanted to join him.

Of course, Will wasn’t actually convincing people to fast for their benefit, everything Will did in the game was strictly gameplay. Just as he thought, several houseguests joined him which seemingly proved his level of control in the house.

Told Everyone In The House That He Hates Them

In a strategic Hail Mary effort to convince players to keep him, Will told the entire house that he hated them. He pleaded with the houseguests to evict him and he threatened that he would make their lives miserable if they didn’t. One would think that the players would easily vote him out come eviction night, but of course, they voted to keep him.

Will was the master of manipulation and he manipulated the players into thinking he didn’t care about winning, essentially making him a non-threat in the game. When in reality, he was the biggest threat in the entire house.

Manipulated His Showmances

Will coined the phrase “showmance” during his run on Big Brother. Showmances are fake romances that allow you to make a close ally, who you may or may not stick with until the end. In Will’s case, his showmances were with Shannon in season two and Janelle in season seven.

Both times his showmances took a backseat to Chilltown, his true alliance that he had with Boogie. Of course, both women believed that he would choose them over Boogie, so they nearly trusted him until the end. This ultimately cost both of them the game.

Laughed At Players For Trusting Him

Will was such a strategic and impressive player that it was easy for fans to feel bad for his victims. He lied to them so flawlessly that they never expected him to turn around and backstab them, but he always did. This is especially true for James and Danielle.

In season seven, Will and Boogie convinced James and Danielle that they were working with them, little did James and Danielle know, that was far from the truth. Fans later saw Chilltown in the Diary Room, laughing about how poor James and Danielle trusted them.

Convinced Janelle To Put Up Her Best Friend

Will’s showmance with Janelle was a very strategic part of his gameplay in season seven. He formed a tight bond with her that allowed him to have influence over her gameplay. For instance, Will had so much influence over Janelle that he was able to convince her to put her best friend, Marcellas, on the block.

Even though this was strictly gameplay, it was still hard for fans to watch Will manipulate Janelle in this way. Unfortunately for Will, Janelle came to her senses and voted Will out before he was able to take home yet another Big Brother win.

Bullied Howie

While most of Will’s shameless moves in the game were strictly gameplay, this one seemed more personal. Will would often bully Howie and insult him, and while most of the time Howie was able to deflect, it seemed as though some of these comments actually got to him.

Howie was even a fan of Will’s, which just made it harder for fans to watch Will put down Howie time after time. Of course, a lot of the comments came off as Will simply playing around but he had to have known that these comments were still hurtful.

Encouraged Manipulation Tactics

Just as Will manipulated his own showmance, he also encouraged Boogie to manipulate his showmance as well. At the end of the day, this was all just good gameplay but it still seemed pretty heartless.

Chilltown only had these alliances so that their tight two-person alliance could expand. The idea was to gain as much loyalty from the house as possible, without actually having to reciprocate that loyalty. In the end, this strategy was genius and it ultimately won each member of Chilltown $500,000 as Will was the winner of season two and Boogie won season seven.

Initiated New Members Into Chilltown

This is easily one of the most hilarious, yet shameless, things Will has ever done in the game. In season seven, Will and Boogie went out of their way to convince multiple people in the house that they’re secretly a part of Chilltown. They would talk to players one by one and induct them into the alliance and then tell them to keep it top-secret.

This allowed them to have allegiance from the entire house and trust that these fake members of Chilltown would have their backs for the rest of the game.

Made His Friends Think They’re Safe

One of the hardest parts of the Big Brother game is betraying your friends. It’s inevitable as there can only be one winner. However, Will did not struggle with this aspect of the game at all. In season seven, he told Danielle time and time again that she was safe, knowing full well that she was going to be headed out the door within days.

While these cold-hearted moves were hard to watch at times, these same heartless moves were what made Will such a good player and legend in the Big Brother fandom.