When it comes to alliances in the Big Brother house, they’re usually remembered for a few things. Their success, their members and their names. The name of an alliance is something that will be remembered long after its season has passed. Today, we’re going to be taking a look back at some of the best alliance names in Big Brother history, along with a few of the worst out there. Without any further ado, let’s get into it.

Best: Sovereign Six

Season six of Big Brother was one of the most vitriolic seasons of all time, and saw two massive alliances that battled it out for power week after week. One of these alliances managed to end up snagging the win, but that team that came in second place was the Sovereign Six. This powerhouse alliance was filled with some of the most iconic and loved Big Brother players of all time, with Janelle Pierzina, the longest-lasting alliance members, being one of the best players of all time.

Worst: The Friendship

Then there was the other side of season six, The Friendship alliance. Does the name friendship make anyone think that you’re a threat, that you’re dangerous? While The Friendship’s Maggie did go on to win the season, The Friendship became one of the most hated alliances of all time due to their negativity while in the house. Sure, the name Friendship isn’t why America hated them, but it didn’t help. The Friendship was only extended to a few people in the house, unfortunately.

Best: Four Horsemen

The Four Horsemen was another alliance that carried their members to victory and runner-up. They also had a good name while they were doing it though, which is the key difference between them and The Friendship.

The Four Horsemen is obviously a shortened version of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and they certainly lived up to this name by making it all the way to the end, except for Scott. He did pretty badly, he isn’t a very good horseman.

Worst: Unde9able

God, this was a horrible, horrible alliance name. Unde9able was literally just another alliance that had been made previously, Gr8ful, but with Sam included. He was also aware that he wasn’t a part of Gr8ful. What a disaster. This entire scenario was so, so messy. At the very least one good name came out of a splinter off of Gr8ful, The Six Shooters. Only took them two awful names to get themselves a good one. While Gr8ful is bad, Unde9able just… doesn’t even work. It’s bad all over the place, which is why it ended up on the worst side of things.

Best: The Legion of Doom

The Legion of Doom was an alliance formed in season seven of Big Brother, with the sole purpose being to take out Janelle, Kaysar and Howie, the season six crew that had dominance over the game. The Legion of Doom was formed by Mike Boogie, Dr. Will, Danielle and season six defector James. The group tried to get Janelle out multiple times, and was never able to get it done. However, they were successful in eliminating their other season six targets, and overall had a great run. With a name like that, how could they not?


FOUTTE… where to begin. First off, what a horrible name. FOUTTE stands for Five Of Us Till The End… and it’s pretty bad. FOUTTE went through a few changes and eventually ended up as The Hive, but no matter what they were called, they can still be considered one of the worst alliances in history… who flipped?

The group was immediately betrayed by Kaitlyn, the FOUNDER, and then every week after that was a mess. Everyone was evicted, members went home on each others’ HOHs, people couldn’t complete puzzles, nobody won in this group. The most successful member of the group was Haleigh, who ended off in seventh place.

Best: The Bomb Squad

The Bomb Squad is a pretty good name, sounds like a group that’s going to go far in the game. The Bomb Squad was also one of those 9 person alliances that just can’t ever sustain themselves. And that’s basically the end of that story, because this group imploded on impact, just like a bomb. After wild houseguest Devin went on some rampages, a faction of The Bomb Squad broke off and formed The Detonators, which keeps the same theme, still sounds deadly, and did much better than The Bomb Squad overall. Well, nice.

Worst: The Moving Company

The Moving Company was named in order to convey that this alliance would be moving people out of the house systematically. Besides the fact that they did not do that, what? Sure, the logic makes sense, but that doesn’t mean it’s good. The Moving Company as a name is such a walk, they really could have crafted something a little better than this with five more seconds worth of thought. But alas, they did not do that, and this is what we got.

Best: Fatal Five

The Fatal Five was all of the female 8-pack alliance members’ sub alliance. You might think that with a name as powerful as Fatal Five, this alliance might really do some damage. It didn’t. While the alliance did eventually produce a winner, overall the group broke up basically instantly, with Tiffany and Da’Vonne not trusting each other enough to keep this alliance going in any way whatsoever. Da’Vonne deserved better. That’s all.

Worst: Brad And Chad

God… what a dumb name. Winston and Brett of BB20’s alliance, Brad and Chad (does it really matter who was who), was built as a side alliance, as the two thought they would go far together. Well, Brett did. Brad and/or Chad, whichever one Winston was, placed 14th, and didn’t make it very far into the game at all. That name though, it’s just so bad. With a bad name and a bad alliance, this one really didn’t go anywhere.