The original was a funny, heartwarming animated adventure from Disney, but will Big Hero 7 ever happen? Big Hero 6 is based on an obscure Marvel comic series from the late 1990s, but the movie was only loosely based on the source material. The story follows a young boy named Hiro who lives in a hybrid city called San Fransokyo, who forms a ragtag superhero team to take on a mysterious villain.

The core of Big Hero 6 comes down to the relationship between Hiro and his inflatable medical robot Baymax. The movie proved to be a big hit upon release in 2014, grossing over $650 million worldwide. The film scored numerous awards, including Best Animated Feature at the Academy Awards. The movie also ends with a post-credit stinger that sets up future adventures.

While talk of a sequel emerged shortly after the release of the original the project has gone quiet, so will Big Hero 7 ever happen?

Big Hero 7 Was Never Confirmed

While co-directors Chris Williams and Don Hall and star Genesis Rodriguez (Run All Night) mentioned talk of a sequel in 2015, there’s been little sign of Big Hero 7 in the years since. Marvel has obviously been busy with superhero projects of their own, but the worldwide success of Big Hero 6 makes it slightly surprising a follow-up hasn’t been pursed.

That said, Walt Disney Animation Studios have tended to focus on original projects, aside from occasional sequels like Frozen 2. Even a sequel to Moana, which was another huge success of Disney, has yet to be officially confirmed.

Big Hero 6: The Series Debuted In 2016

Big Hero 6: The Series arrived in 2016 and acts as a direct sequel to the events of the movie. Most of the original cast came back for the show, which returns for its second season in 2019. The series also puts more of a focus on the other members of the team, while the movie put more attention on the friendship between Hiro and Baymax. “Big Hero 7” is also the name of an episode from season 1, where another character joins the team.

Big Hero 7 Could Feature A Surprise Villain

Unconfirmed reports suggest Hiro’s presumed dead brother Tadashi, who also created Baymax, could return for Big Hero 7. He would apparently also be the central villain, adding a personal element to the story. These rumors were never confirmed, and it’s possible with the success of Big Hero 6: The Series that Disney has opted not to pursue Big Hero 7 after all. The lack of updates on the project suggests at the very least, the sequel isn’t a high priority for Disney right now.

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