While we all wait patiently for the third season of Big Little Lies, we’re still reminiscing about the second season of this brilliant and intense HBO drama series. We know you have your favorite character, and you probably also have characters that you’re not too crazy about.

However, we can all agree that season 2 is full of totally badass and redeeming moments for two of these amazing women: Renata Klein and Celeste Wright. Whether you’re a Nicole Kidman fan or a Laura Dern aficionado, these two characters are in the running for being the best character of the season. Here are 5 reasons why each of them could take the crown.

Renata: When She Confronts the Principal

Remember when her daughter passes out in a closet at school? Well, it’s because she was terrified about climate change. In response, Renata hires a child psychologist to figure out what the heck is actually wrong, which we actually think scores her some major points.

Of course, she soon discovers it’s because Amabella is worried about the world ending. Therefore, she confronts the principal, and in all her Renata glory, definitely lights him up for scaring such young kids. It’s one of her better confrontations, of course.

Celeste: When She Slaps Mary Louise

While there’s never a good reason for violence, we can all admit we clapped and made weird “ooh” sounds when she slapped Mary Louise. After Mary Louise insinuates that Perry’s womanizing was because of Celeste, this bombshell of a woman finally snaps, and lets her mother-in-law have it in the from of a pretty decent slap.

When those glasses went flying, we were shocked, but we also were patting Celeste on the back. Her apologetic attitude afterwards also goes to show that she does, in fact, have a good heart.

Renata: When She Breaks Up Ed & Nathan

Ed and Nathan have been at odds since the pilot episode. Things escalate to actually becoming physical at Amabella’s birthday party. While they’re all dressed in ridiculous costumes, Renata is the one to break up the nonsense and tell them to get their crap together.

This was hilarious, mainly because both of the boys immediately obeyed. Renata is tough as nails, and it’s always hilarious to see her assert her power and not be afraid to do just that.

Celeste: When She Refuses the Settlement Offer

Mary Louise and her lawyer make a deal that Celeste can settle for, which includes joint custody. Not only does Celeste quickly shut this down, but she also lets Mary Louise have it, and it’s not pretty.

Celeste’s lawyer even asks her if her explosion was worth it, to which Celeste responds that it definitely felt good. Celeste rarely loses her cool, but we love that she’s sticking up for her boys and is not taking any crap from Mary Louise or her lawyer.

Renata: When She Goes Swimming with Amabella

When Celeste’s boys and Jane’s son are out on school suspension, Renata decides that her daughter also deserves a day off. Rather than sending Amabella to school, she takes her daughter out for a fun mother and daughter day

Mainly, they swim in their big pool without a worry in the world. We’re all for supporting a good mental health day, and we love that Renata is also all about this. Mother and daughter time is way more important than school, right?

Celeste: When She Moms

This isn’t exactly a specific time, but it’s certainly worth mentioning. Celeste is an incredible mom. Yes, she has hard times, and Mary Louise points out a few mistakes, but the bottom line is that Celeste is always there when it matters. She’s calm, responsible, and full of love.

The best scene is probably in the finale, where Celeste asks the boys to go hug their grandmother. She has every right to despise Mary Louise, but she always does what is best for her boys.

Renata: When She Invites Mary Louise Over

While this kind of backfires, it was still definitely one of Renata’s best moments of the season. We love that she invites Mary Louise over to confront her nicely about Celeste and her sons. Of course, Mary Louise pulls one over Renata’s head, but we also love how defensive Renata gets.

No one can call her a bad mom, and she takes great pride in being incredibly successful and raising her daughter. This scene was hilarious, and we’re always rooting for Renata.

Celeste: When She Questions Mary Louise on the Stand

We all got goosebumps when Celeste said she was calling Mary Louise to the stand. Honestly, we could watch this scene over and over again. Her questions are brilliant, and we were so glad to FINALLY see Mary Louise meet her match.

She bamboozled every one of these ladies, but she would never beat Celeste. This scene proved how brilliant Celeste is, but also how calm and determined she really is. This scene is incredibly redeeming, and earns this character a ton of points.

Renata: When She Destroys the Train Room

This is probably the best scene of the entire season. Honestly, Renata was an amazing wife and mother this whole season. Considering her dumb and selfish husband is the reason that she lost everything she made herself, she kept her cool… A LOT.

We’d also like to shout out to when she makes Gordon get out of the car, then eventually picks him up again. But mainly, this scene where she finally loses her cool is the absolutely best of this woman. Admit it, Gordon 100% deserved to have his train room smashed to pieces with a bat.

Celeste: When She is Tough as Nails

Celeste has had a really difficult life with her husband. This custody battle was the icing on the cake, and yet Celeste is still tough as nails. Although it was a really hard scene to watch, Celeste showing the footage of her abuse in the courtroom was certainly one of her most redeeming scenes.

She put her vulnerability and scars on display, all in an attempt to prove that her boys are her world, and that they will never become what their father was. This hit us deep, and proves how incredible this character truly is.