Big Mouth, the show about kids aimed at adults, is one of the most uproarious series streaming today. It pulls no punches when it comes to extensively chronicling the difficulties of puberty that Andrew, his best friends Nick and Jessi, and the rest of their school go through. Through first boners and first loves, the series explores the awkward, the embarrassing, and the truly obscene.

These kids aren’t alone when they face the challenges of turning into teenagers. They have their well-meaning parents, their supportive teachers, and the greatest mentors they could hope for, Hormone Monsters! While the series started off focusing on Andrew and his Hormone Monster, Maurice, it quickly grew to encompass his friends and their Hormone Monsters as well, including Jessi’s Hormone Monstress, Connie. The trailer for Season 3 has just been released involving even more hilarity (and new Hormone Monsters!), so let’s dive in and rank the 10 funniest characters of the show.


Andrew Glouberman is, by and large, like a miniature Jerry Seinfeld. He’s the neurotic “straight man” of his peers, and though he’s engaged in a series of ridiculous situations, he’s not particularly ridiculous. His shy, nervous personality makes him perfect for laughing at because he gets so easily embarrassed.

The show spent a lot of time focusing on Andrew (and his best friend Nick) in the first season, notably because he was the first of his group of friends to get visited by the Hormone Monster. Therefore most of the best jokes about puberty were from Andrew’s perspective. But by Season 2, all of his friends (and some of his enemies) got their own hilarious storylines, and he became a real jerk.


If Emma Stone in Easy A was an animated red-headed hellion, she’d be Jessi Glaser. Jessi gets many of Big Mouth’s most complex storylines, featuring some of the biggest emotional outbursts. She has a hard time dealing with her parent’s divorce, and doesn’t particularly know how to deal with her mom coming out as a lesbian.

Jessi is one of the most relatable characters on the show, because the situations she experiences often involve a tidal wave of emotions teenagers have trouble processing. Amidst her depression, resentment, and feelings of abandonment, she gets up to some hilarious mischief with her Hormone Monstress, Connie.


While you might be tempted to just write Missy off as an awkward band geek, whose only compelling plot point is a strange obsession with Andrew, that would be unfair to one of the series most amusing characters. While not everyone can relate to her nerdy experience, everyone can relate to her empowered outlook.

Missy goes through a lot of development in both seasons. She began the series as a sheltered hippie kid, and became a person who didn’t feel the need to change who she was, granola and all. Plus, her masturbation storyline had us howling. We’re looking forward to meeting her Hormone Monster in Season 3!


As the most innocent of his group of friends, Nick doesn’t know a lot about what it means to grow up, but he certainly has a lot of opinions on it. Unlike his best friend Andrew, he isn’t shy in the least, but a sarcastic, mouthy teen with a penchant for describing how manly he is.

Some of Nick’s most amusing storylines have to do with the fact that despite being from an incredibly open and sexually transparent family, he is uncomfortable with his own sexuality. A late bloomer, he fears he’ll never be as developed as his friends, until Connie the Hormone Monstress comes into his life.


Couch Steve is one of those characters on the series where he’s either absolutely hilarious to you, or he drives you nuts every time he’s on screen. As the PE teacher of the main characters who just wants friendship, love, and acceptance, it’s hard not to feel sorry for him, but it’s also difficult not to laugh at his expense.

Despite not being a teen (but being somehow less mature than one), Coach Steve has his own Hormone Monster, a disgusting, decaying creature named Rick. Together, they make a pretty cringe-inducing duo, but they both have some of the most off-the-wall and random quotes of the show.


Love her or hate her, there’s just something about Lola. She’s definitely one of the Mean Girls, but never exactly the A-Squad. The only thing Lola cares about in school is being the most popular and desirable girl to every horny teenage guy that she passes in the halls.

With her shrill, nasal voice and her raging hormones, she makes for a constant source of comedic calamity on the show. Whether she’s lusting after Andrew with promises of “string cheese from the garage” and a cuddle, or just trying to backstab her girlfriends, Lola is the real GOAT.


The Birches, more enthusiastic about their prepubescent son’s adventures in puberty than he is. As Nick wrestles with being a late bloomer and all the shame that entails, he’s surrounded on all sides by the love and acceptance of his family. Too much love and acceptance!

His parents are overly comfortable with sharing every aspect of their sexual escapades with their kids, treating “the talk” as nothing more than a casual conversation. Their children (Nick’s older sister Leah and brother Judd, and Nick) are constantly embarrassed by their cavalier ways, but their interactions generate some of the show’s most hilarious moments.


Even for a horny teenager, Jay is probably one of the most sex-crazed kids at his school. There’s no person, or inanimate object, he won’t try to hump. His family is either completely absentee or comprised of a bunch of bullies, so Jay finds love and acceptance in the arms of his pillow. Yes, we’re serious, he does form a relationship with it.

Not only is Jay one of the biggest practitioners of free love on the show, his storyline involving his changing sexuality and discovering he may be bisexual is not only hilarious but heartfelt. We can’t wait to see what craziness Jay gets up to in Season 3.


Arguably one of the most popular characters on the show, Connie also happens to be one of the funniest. She appeared as Jessi’s Hormone Monstress at a time when she was becoming incredibly resentful of her mother, and needed comfort. Connie’s brand of comfort was raising all hell and turning Jessi into a hellcat to be reckoned with.

Connie thrives on chaos, and loves nothing more than when Jessi is at her hormonal worst. When Jessi got locked away with the Depression Kitty, however, and booted Connie from her life, she became Nick Birch’s Hormone Monstress, much to his chagrin.


In many ways as hilarious as the rest of the cast is, Big Mouth owes much of its appeal to Maurice, Andrew’s foul-mouthed, foul-breathed Hormone Monster. From the moment he appeared in Andrew’s room in Season 1, he stole the show with his hilarious running commentary on Andrew’s life.

Maury is one of the most inappropriate characters on television, which is why it’s so great that Big Mouth exists on a streaming platform like Netflix. Maury is allowed to run wild over Andrew’s life and make every situation the most awkward and uncomfortable as possible.