Big Mouth is well-known for its honest and heartwarming portrayal of puberty. The show is considered largely progressive due to its direct discussion of taboo subjects, including sexuality, misogyny, and toxic masculinity.

Each character brings a unique energy to the show. Through them, the writers can explore narratives as well as concoct hilarious comedic skits that grossly depict the process of adolescence. Sometimes their mishaps are humorous and sometimes they are blatant mistakes, but each character undergoes a relevant arc that helps move the show forward. Here are the ten best characters from Netflix’s Big Mouth.

Lola Skumpy

Lola is one of the many characters in Big Mouth voiced by show writer Nick Kroll. She is depicted as one of the popular girls in school and used to be best friends with Devin before the two girls fell out in the season two finale “The Department of Puberty.”

Lola is a brash, foul-mouthed student who hints frequently at unhappy home life and neglectful mother. In season two, she and Andrew begin dating before Andrew promptly dumps her, enraging Lola enough to break his wrist with her bare hands.

Jay Bilzerian

Like Lola, Jay also lives in an unfortunate childhood environment that shapes a large part of his character. Jay is sex-crazed and downright delusional, having been in sexual ‘relationships’ with three of his pillows.

Jay dreams of being a successful magician and spends the majority of season three coming to terms with his bisexuality. He briefly moves in with Nick and his family, enjoying a more stable home life but ultimately missing his own dysfunctional family.

Coach Steve

Coach Steve is also voiced by Nick Kroll and was the school’s resident gym teacher before he was fired in season two. The inept teacher shares a friendship with Jay that is made slightly more disturbing when taking Coach Steve’s sexual relationship with Jay’s mom into consideration.

The former gym teacher is shown struggling slightly in season three, flitting from job to job in a hilarious sequence. He is the source of Big Mouth’s more immature comedy.

Andrew Glouberman

Andrew is one of the main characters in Big Mouth and is the first to be introduced with a Hormone Monster. He is a typical teenage boy struggling with sexuality and masculinity and grows exponentially throughout the series.

Andrew often has moments of giving in to his hormone-fueled rage but ultimately learns from his mistakes. Despite having been best friends with Nick throughout his life, season three ends with a breakup between the pair after Andrew informs Nick he isn’t a good person.

Nick Birch

Nick is arguably the primary protagonist of Big Mouth. Voiced by show creator Nick Kroll, he is the youngest son in a manically devoted family that knows no boundaries when it comes to discussions of sex.

Like Andrew, Nick struggles with puberty throughout the series and grows from his various mistakes and mishaps. He is the only male character to have a female Hormone Monstress after Connie is assigned to him in the season two finale.

Jessi Glaser

Jessi is a valuable voice on Big Mouth and her character explores the struggles of becoming a woman with the same degree of treatment as the boys’ stories. She is an outspoken feminist who still struggles with her conflicting desires and hypocrisy.

Jessi becomes friends with Matthew in season three’s “My Furry Valentine” and the two characters share friendly chemistry that is a welcome addition to the show thereafter. Her character also introduces the Depression Kitty, tackling real-life issues in a funny and relatable manner.

Missy Foreman-Greenwald

Missy is another brilliantly written female character whose sexual journey is treated as equally important as the other characters. She is chatty and vibrant though also shy and slightly socially awkward, raised in a loving home with devoted hippie parents.

Missy and Andrew have an awkward romance in season one that ultimately leads to doom after Andrew struggles with his jealousy due to her friendship with Lars. Surprisingly, Missy and Jay become friends in season three after the young magician encourages her to write an erotic book.


Connie is the Hormone Monstress who appears as the companion of Jessi Glaser and later Nick Birch. Like Maury, she is sex-crazed and bold with a vibrant vocabulary. Connie drives much of Jessi’s rage throughout the series, as well as encouraging Nick’s sensitive side.

Like her male counterparty, Connie is responsible for encouraging the worst habits of her charges, although she does appear to genuinely care for them. She rescues Jessi from the Depression Kitty in season two and is ecstatic when reuniting with Nick in the next installment.


Maurice, also known as Maury, is the primary male Hormone Monster who is assigned to Andrew and Matthew - although he has admitted that Matthew is his favorite. He is perverse and gross and carries a collection of furry phallic pets around with him.

Maury and Connie have engaged in relations in the past, and Maury’s home realm was shown in “The Department of Puberty” for the first time. His lack of shame and boundaries have produced the funniest scenes in Big Mouth as he encourages the boys’ worst habits.

Matthew MacDell

Matthew was a minor character in the earlier episodes of Big Mouth, though his role has grown much larger and he could now be considered one of the main cast. Until Jay declared his bisexuality to the rest of the school, he was the only openly gay student in the school and as such struggles with the various societal repercussions of his identity.

Matthew is catty and unkind sometimes, though ultimately has a good heart and tries to be a better person. In season three, he meets Aiden for the first time and struggles with his nerves before finally kissing his crush, to the delight of Maury.