Big Mouth is a series that many fans can relate to, thanks to its coverage of all the trials of being a teenager. The series is whimsical at times, and down to earth at other points. Unfortunately, that means that sometimes the characters make awful decisions, and do some pretty horrible things.

And to be fair, that is also an accurate representation of being a teenager. Because who has made it through their teens without a regret or two? Though in the case of this series, sometimes they push things to the furthest extreme possible.

Even while we love these characters, we’ve got to admit that we don’t agree with every decision they’ve made or action they’ve taken. Except for Missy and her imaginary Nathan Fillion – they’re perfect just the way they are (here’s hoping they stay that way).

This list includes spoilers for Big Mouth Season 3.

Phone Obsession

Okay, we get why some people love their phones. They’re awesome, after all. But Nick took his phone obsession way too far. He ignored his friends and family, and so much worse. We can all agree that posting photos or videos of people without their consent is pretty horrible, right? Especially when said person is not dressed.

Well, apparently Nick needs to be told that lesson once again. Because he shared a video of his father doing his naked nightly routine. Thankfully, his father took it well. But his mother was rightfully furious. And we can only hope that Nick learned why this was wrong, because he didn’t seem to get it at the time.

Kiss and Tell

Remember back when Nick and Gina were a thing? Their relationship didn’t last all that long, and there’s a good reason that it ended up crashing and burning. You see, kissing and telling is a fairly big deal, especially for teenagers.

Nick’s decision to tell all of the details to his best friend may seem like natural – after all, who doesn’t confide in their best friends? But Andrew hasn’t exactly been going out of his way to prove how trustworthy he is. Having the news spread around the school was a sure way to get Gina to leave Nick in the dust.

The fact that Nick didn’t seem to understand why Gina was so upset didn’t help our opinion of the situation any. Anybody with eyes could see how the rest of their class was treating her, one the news got out.


We can all agree that Connie is an awesome character and a hilarious Hormone Monstress. But the fact remains that sometimes she’ll encourage her clients to do things that aren’t that great for them. Like the time she encouraged Jessie to go all out in the things she screamed at her mother. Or how she encouraged Jessie to shoplift.

Then again, Connie is a Hormone Monstress, so a certain amount of behavior like this is probably to be expected. Perhaps we should just be grateful that she hasn’t been encouraging anything worse…but is that a trusty scale to in this sort of situation?

Words of Anger

As mentioned above, Connie helped to encourage Jessie on when she had one (well, several) fights with her mother. Jessie said some pretty horrible things – things that she knew would hurt her mother. And she clearly did so with intent.

All teenagers lash out, and Jessie has been going through a lot as of late. But that doesn’t change the fact that she took deeply personal information and threw it into a fight, knowing that it would give her the upper hand.

We’ve all probably been in a fight where this sort of thing happened. And as such, you can sympathize with just how much those words must have stung.

Bad Advice

Connie isn’t alone in egging on her clients, or in giving them bad advice. Maurice has also been known to give some truly awful advice to his clients. There are plenty of examples we could reach for, since he’s been an active monster throughout the whole series.

Let’s start with the time he got Andrew believing that he owned Missy, and that she wasn’t putting out enough. Or the time that he encouraged Andrew to the point where he knocked a kid out of his wheelchair (more on that later)…though at least he did express regret for the last one. And let’s not forget the time that Maurice encouraged Andrew to send his cousin (we repeat: cousin!) a nude photo. Actually, no, that statement doesn’t make it clear enough. Maurice helped Andrew come up with a series of photos, and helped him send the best one. And again, this was to Andrew’s cousin.

Bad Friend

Nick Birch seems like a pretty chill character, at first. He takes a lot in stride and doesn’t seem inclined to ditch his friends even when they’re at their worst (how many people would have stuck by Andrew after that epic meltdown). But the closer you look at the way he treats his friends, the worse things look.

You see, Nick isn’t actually all that great of a friend. He stuck by Andrew, sure, but he never provided any support before that point. He actually isn’t really there for most of his friends. Heck, he didn’t want Jay moving in, even though he knew how bad things were for Jay. No, Nick seems pretty content to just watch his friends meltdown around him. And it’s the exact opposite of what his parents would do, which may be the intentional point being made here.

Drug Dealer?

Jay Bilzerian has not had the best family life, we can all agree on that, right? So it was touching to see Nick’s parents step up and start taking care of the poor guy. That whole plot flipped, however, when Jay decided to start selling his ADD medication to fellow students, rather than taking it himself (and by all appearances, the meds seemed to be helping him).

To make matters worse, once Jay got a bit of money for himself (again, from the drugs he was given), he started acting out and being ungrateful towards the Birches. This culminated with Jay’s family approaching him, and him happily running off into their arms (along with some of the Birches stuff).

The List

Do you know the high school stereotype of creating a list of who is hottest? Yeah, that happened in Big Mouth. And every one of our characters is guilty of getting involved in it. The guys started it (during a bachelor party…which is a whole different mess) and the girls quickly retaliated by creating ones of their own.

Before you had time to blink, things had spiraled out of control. And that meant there were hurt feelings all around, as some students got ranked lower than others, others got left off the list, and hearts were crushed. It was a rough time for all, but nobody seemed to be making much effort at stopping the cycle of hurt.

Meltdown and Spiral

Andrew Glouberman had perhaps one of the most epic meltdowns in animated history. He went from being a nerdy yet hormonal guy to a guy who kept making worse and worse decisions. This all culminated with him chasing off the girl he had a major crush on (Missy) thanks to his behavior, followed immediately by him going after her new apparent crush. This didn’t end well, as Andrew felt compelled to pull the poor guy out of his wheelchair and then beat up a mailbox. It was a strange and disturbing sequence, and we’re sure it’s one he’ll regret for years to come.