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The Steve Jobs segment begins at mark 3:35. Flashless version is here.

Microsoft cofounder and former CEO Bill Gates sat for an interesting interview with Yahoo! and ABC News. The public face of Microsoft responded to a wide range of questions, including those touching on his final conversation with Steve Jobs and how his passing affected him. Contrary to the popular belief, the two Silicon Valley luminaries kept in contact with each other throughout their respective careers. What were the topics of their friendly chats?

How did Jobs’ death affect Gates? Read on…

Walter Isaacson quoted Gates in the official Steve Jobs biography as claiming Jobs “said a lot of very nice things about me,” while noting that he also said “a lot of tough things.” Unlike Gates’ philanthropy work through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Jobs was not much of a philanthropist himself. According to the just released book “Inside Apple” by Fortune’s Senior Editor-at-large Adam Lashinsky, Jobs argued privately that “the most philanthropic action Apple could take was to increase the value of the company to share-holders could give away their wealth to causes of their choice, not Apple’s.”

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