A new report indicates that BioWare isn’t planning on simply moving on from its floundering title Anthem, and is instead gearing up to completely overhaul the game in an attempt to save it. Signs of cotninued support for the game were far and few between, with some major departures from the Electronic Arts-owned studio seemingly pointing to the firm moving on from Anthem. This would be an especially unsurprising move in the face of what appears to be an ever-shrinking community still engaged with the game.

In truth, many fans have been hoping that the developer will go back to its roots as it continues work on Dragon Age 4. The Mass Effect-themed N7 Day provided another period for gamers to anticipate news on that beloved sci-fi series, but BioWare fans were only treated to N7 comestic items in Anthem. While that support was was shrug-inducing, it appears that there’s a lot more of it to come from BioWare as the studio isn’t giving up on the game quite yet.

According to a new report from Kotaku’s Jason Shreier, BioWare is betting big on Anthem in a push that those internally are referring to as “Anthem 2.0” or “Anthem Next.” Unforutnately, it sounds like these plans are still in the early stages of planning as Kotaku’s sources at BioWare claim that they aren’t even sure what form these updates will take on yet. It could be rolled out in one-by-one updates like No Man’s Sky was, shipped as a new game (with original Anthem players recieving a discount), or though major expansions similiar to the model in use by Destiny.

This news is less than shocking considering that BioWare abandoned its Anthem post-launch roadmap in the hopes of building a better experience. Although, given how early these plans seem to be, it begs the question of how the other teams at BioWare are actually spending their time. As previously mentioned, Dragon Age 4 is still a focus despite Anthem, but some fans are hoping BioWare picks up the slack with some of its other IP.

This namely comes down to the future of Mass Effect which was put on ice after the absymal performance of Mass Effect: Andromeda. To add on that, BioWare General Manager Casey Hudson took to Twitter during the most recent N7 Day to showcase never-before-seen Mass Effect concept art that hasn’t been used to create environments in any of the recent games. This prompted players to hope more would come of the tease, but it looks like any sort of ME announcement is still a ways off if BioWare is still focused on saving Anthem.

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Anthem is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Kotaku