The latest adventure (and emancipation) of Harley Quinn has officially hit the big screen, and critics and fans alike are loving this bombastic, action-packed, female-driven flick. Harley is the star, of course, (and Margot Robbie’s portrayal is unsurprisingly stunning), but it’s about her entire girl gang, and about male power and domination on every level. From the evil Black Mask who wears his love of power (and possessiveness of women) out in the open, to Renee Montoya and the men who take credit for her work, Birds of Prey is one for the girls.

It’s not just about big statements of emancipation and empowerment, though. There are a huge number of tiny moments that are realistic and relatable - from wardrobe woes to adorable pets, Birds of Prey keeps it grounded in the little things, while taking the big things to phenomenal levels of intentional ridiculousness.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead

The Best Breakfast Sandwich Storage

Toward the start of her story, Harley is dealing with the aftermath of a heavy night by going out for the perfect cure: a greasy breakfast sandwich. And while reaching for fatty, carb-laden goodness to deal with a hangover is relatable, it’s not something gender-specific… but just wanting an egg sandwich isn’t why this moment made the list. Instead, it’s the fact that after getting her delicious hangover cure, Harley doesn’t get a chance to eat it, because she steps out onto the street and is suddenly up against every Gotham bad guy she’s ever annoyed. So what does she do with that sandwich while running away? Stuffs it down her shirt, of course. Any woman who wears a bra can relate to this one, because while they might not be comfy, they are definitely a little extra storage, in a pinch.

I Shaved My Balls For This

Renee Montoya’s story in Birds of Prey is one of being constantly pushed aside at work, having the men around her take credit for her work, and eventually quitting rather than putting up with it any more. But as relatable as that is for so many women, it’s the little things that really drive it home.

The fact that a cop who is still a beat cop, not a detective, makes fun of her age… even though he’s almost the same age as her. The shirt she ends up having to wear from lost and found, that reads ‘I Shaved My Balls For This’, and that then gets commented on. It’s all the little things, not just the big losses.

Do You Know Who I Am?

For the most part, Huntress is one of the least relatable characters in the film - after all, how many viewers have watched their entire family get slaughtered before their eyes, and then been taken away to be trained by a family of assassins? However, even the uber-badass that is Helena Bertinelli has her relatable moments, as she stands in front of the bathroom mirror attempting to find the best way to deliver her ‘do you know who I am’ line to the men that wronged her.

Breakups Are Hard On A Diet

Birds of Prey opens with Harley and the Joker breaking up - and while we never see the Joker, we do get to see how Harley deals with the end of a relationship… and she does it in a gloriously relatable way. She goes out, she gets drunk, she cries, she hangs out with her girlfriends, and of course, she consumes junk food like there’s no tomorrow. We may not all throw knives into an ex’s picture on the wall (although we might!), but squirting cheez whiz (or whipped cream) straight into your mouth in pjs on the couch is iconic breakup stuff.

New Me, New Hair

Another breakup moment that any woman can relate to is when Harley decides to hack off her pigtails… and then bursts into tears. Ask any woman who has gone through a major life change, and she’ll tell you that drastic hair changes tend to be top of the list of decisions that seemed really, really good at the time, but were immediately regretted. Although in the end, Harley really rocked her new hair.

Time For A Shoe Change

Admittedly, Harley’s shoes aren’t always the most practical in the film, and she spends a lot of time doing incredible stunts in impressively high heels. However, we feel like Harley is the kind of gal who might actually be able to do this, and there are definitely a few moments of shoe-based realism to enjoy.

For one thing, when Harley blows up the chemical plant, she walks away wearing one shoe… and unlike women in other movies, she doesn’t snap off the other heel to make a flat or some such ridiculousness. Instead, she walks with something like a limp, because she’s only wearing one shoe. Similarly, in the big throwdown, Harley manages to slip into roller skates, and Black Canary actually calls it out, asking when she had time for a shoe change.

Hyenas Are A Girl’s Best Friend

Comic fans were thrilled to see that the Harley of Birds of Prey has a pet hyena - just like her comic counterpart (although that Harley technically has two, Bud and Lou). Animals fans, meanwhile, were thrilled to see that Harley treats Bruce the same way everyone else treats their beloved pets. With kissy faces, a baby voice, nicknames, treats, and a whole lot more that leaves Cassie looking just a little disgusted. (Even if Harley, like pet lovers everywhere, couldn’t care less.)

Don’t Mess Up Your Nails

Harley may be a terrible person (in her own words), but she has her sweet moments, especially with Cassie. When they are hiding out at her place, they end up with a little bit of a sleepover vibe, eating on the couch, watching TV, and painting nails. It’s adorable, and incredibly realistic - becuase for once, a movie manicure doesn’t dry instantly. Instead, when Cassie goes to open a carton, Harley does it for her so she won’t mess up her nails.

Kicking In Tight Pants

By the end of the film, Harley and her girl gang are enjoying some well-earned margaritas and talking about the future now that they’ve taken down Black Mask. In itself, there is something incredibly relatable about this moment, especially as each of the women is complimenting and supporting the others. However, one compliment in particular stands out - when Renee tells Black Canary that she’s impressed by her ability to kick so high in tight pants. It’s a compliment only a woman would think of - and most of the audience was probably thinking the same thing!

Do You Need A Hair Tie?

Finally, the moment that was an instant favorite: when Black Canary is fighting Black Mask’s army, and her hair is getting in the way. Everything about this scene, from her snarl as she tries to shove her hair out of the way again, to Harley offering her a hair tie, is perfect. It’s relatable, it’s hilarious, and there’s always someone who lives with a hair tie around her wrist. Maybe not for defeating supervillain armies, but hey, you never know.