Birds of Prey is continuing to find success in the cinemas and there’s a lot of talk of a sequel. While the film was incredibly fun and compelling there’s a number of people that believe there should not be a follow-up and many that think there should!

Therefore, to really understand whether we should be seeing more from the Birds of Prey and Harley Quinn, here are 5 reasons why there really should be a sequel and 5 why it’s probably better off to leave the movie alone.


The box office for the film isn’t quite what everyone expected. While other DC films have managed to have ridiculously large sales, the box office for this film has dwindled slightly. There’s a couple of things that need to be taken from this though.

The budget for the film was a lot lower and it’s continuing to perform well across weekends, not having nearly as large a drop as one might expect. While it still has legs therefore, it still hasn’t been the runaway success the studio might have hoped for.


Despite the financial troubles the film might have had, it certainly hasn’t been a critical disappointment. This may be in part why the film is performing well over time, due to positive word of mouth from those that have seen it.

Not only are the reviews great for it, but the social media interaction and support for the film has been phenomenal. It has clearly resonated with fans in a way many other comic book movies haven’t, which suggests it should absolutely receive a sequel.


One of the best elements of the movie was the presence of Black Mask. The villain really brought together the film and with his fate sealed in the end it’s difficult to see anyone else filling such a vital role for the sequel.

While there’s a number of villains that could be great in a sequel, it’s very tricky to understand who would fit in well. It needs to be someone over the top and charismatic, but cannot in any way just replicate the Joker. Without a compelling villain, a sequel may flop.


It’s refreshing to see a new team in live-action on the big screen. The Birds of Prey are an iconic group of heroes that have had some incredible storylines across the comics. It’s great to see that they have been written so well in this film.

It’s also a big change from some of the other teams we’ve seen in comic book movies. With the Justice League and the Avengers being the main two, the Birds of Prey are a definite change of pace and one that is certainly welcomed.


There’s a lot of talks that Harley Quinn could get her own spin-off, perhaps with Cassandra Cain along for the ride. The end of the movie did hint to this as a possibility and of course, a spin-off wouldn’t be a direct sequel.

With Harley also turning up in a number of other projects perhaps it’s best that this film was a one-off. The Birds of Prey could also turn up elsewhere and the franchise would still feel fresh then, rather than spreading the character of Harley too thin.


Despite the increase in Quinn appearing in other things Harley really does work better with others. The Birds of Prey act as a great foil to the character and the many different personalities really bring the best out of Harley.

Therefore a sequel would be great for all the characters involved. While there’s also an option to add in new characters here so that the dynamic is changed, even more, this movie works because of the balance of personalities.


With another movie in development based on the Gotham City Sirens, perhaps the time is up for the Birds of Prey. The DCEU is moving forward at a rapid place and perhaps the Sirens will act in some ways as a spiritual successor.

With Harley heavily featured in both and similar themes perhaps cropping up in each it makes more sense to have the Birds of Prey team up with the Sirens than it does to have two separate sequels.


The fact is, Birds of Prey is a lot of fun. More fun perhaps than many were expecting. From the spectacular and quirky action sequences to animated opening, quick musical montage and a lot of great humor.

With so many creative ideas demonstrated in the first film, there’s no telling what this team could achieve if they were allowed to work on a second one. It makes sense, therefore, to give them another opportunity.


The film ended in such a satisfying and conclusive way that there’s almost no need to actually see a sequel. Sure the continued adventures of the Birds of Prey would be interesting, but it’s almost like they are established now.

We can see that Cain and Quinn are heading elsewhere, likely to a different film, but that’s all we need from the ending. Perhaps reuniting all these characters could actually feel forced.


All the characters were so well written in this film that it would be a shame not to see their stories continue in some way. The adaptation for the comics to the screen has been very impressive, to say the least.

From Detective Montoya’s tragic backstory, alcohol issues and desire to fight for good, to the Black Canary’s scream and the desire of Huntress to kill those that wronged her in her childhood. It’s a perfect mix of great writing.