The latest DC Extended Universe film Birds of Prey explores the emancipation of one Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), but also the laundry list of problems that she’s caused for others in Gotham - most notably Roman Sionis a.k.a. Black Mask (Ewan McGregor). When he finally captures her, Roman is full of rage and ready to take it out on Harley, who has been a thorn in his side for years. In case you didn’t catch Roman’s every listed grievance in Birds of Prey, we’ve compiled a list that includes references to coffee, partisan politics, and several different bodily functions.

In Birds of Prey, Harley escapes death by promising Roman that she’ll track down a coveted diamond. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have the protection of Mistah J a.k.a. Pudding’ a.k.a. The Joker anymore, which means that more than a few Gotham locals have legit beef with the Crown Princess of Crime. There’s Ralph Murray, whose brother was fed to a hyena (whoops), along with a Frida Kahlo look-a-like who hates Harley and is also after the diamond. There’s a gent outside her apartment whose grievance is evidenced by on-screen eggplant emoji, and there’s also poor Happy - the victim of facial cosmetic vandalism.

So, why does Harley Quinn have all kinds of bad blood with the baddie Black Mask? It turns out that Ms. Quinn has personally offended Mr. Sionis many, many times, and it has almost nothing to do with her past relationship with the Joker. Here’s every grievance that Black Mask has with Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey.

Roman Sionis’ immediate issue with Harley Quinn involves a practical business matter. Upon getting properly hammered and wilding out at a nightclub in Birds of Prey, Harley drunkenly breaks the leg of Mr. Sionis’ driver. Plot-wise, this sets up Dinah Lance a.k.a. Black Canary as the new chauffeur, who then becomes an informant for Detective Renee Montoya. When Roman Sionis threatens to kill Harley Quinn, the list of grievances begins with the nightclub incident.

Beyond the major offense depicted in Birds of Prey, Black Mask’s issues are rather petty (and hilarious). According to Harley Quinn, Roman Sionis’ extremely long list of grievances against her include the following:

  • Called him “Romy” Called him “Queef Richards” Voted for Bernie Sanders Has a vagina Said “expresso” rather than “espresso” Peed in his Brita Stuck gum under his chair Stole the remote Sold a family heirloom Spoiled lots of movies Stole his limelight Left a floater Interrupted him once Didn’t laugh at his joke Forgot to use a coaster Burped the alphabet Trashed his bedroom Left the toilet seat down Changed the channel Broke a window Ate his lunch Crashed his Rolls Royce Ripped a loud one Caused a ruckus Graffitied his car Touched his paintings

Overall, Black Mask’s grievances are pretty much what you’d expect from McGregor’s depiction of the character in Birds of Prey. Roman Sionis is a self-involved maniac with a weak stomach for anything remotely gross and an obsession with his material possessions. He’s also presented as somewhat of a faux-intellectual in Birds of Prey, which explains why he looks down on a punk rock woman like Harley Quinn.

More: Birds of Prey’s Original Black Mask Design Revealed in Concept Art