In this tutorial, we will be sharing with you the BitLife social media guide. This guide will help you in gaining more followers and will ultimately make you a famous personality. One of the recent additions to the text-based simulation games, Bitlife has managed to grab quite a lot of eyeballs as of late. Its unique gameplay style coupled with some interesting missions makes this game worth a try.

Covering every phase of your life, there are quite a few things to try out. Right from getting enrolled in school to starting a job, this game wouldn’t get you bored even for a bit. However, it is the social media aspect of this game that manages to garner maximum attention. The aim for every one of you out there might be the same- to get more followers and hence become a famous personality.

But it sounds easy on the paper than it really is. There are quite a few tips and tricks involved in gathering maximum attention towards your profile and in turn becoming an online star. In this BitLife social media guide, we will share with you all the tips through which you could get more followers and hence become famous. So without much waiting, let’s check out.

BitLife Social Media Guide: Everything You Need to Know

The first step involves becoming a social media star is creating a social account. For that, you will have to tap on the Assets button, followed by Social Media, and hit Join. However, here’s the catch. The thing is this isn’t any virtual social media, you will have to share messages, follow BitLife on Instagram and Twitter, and other activities in real life. This is something that infuriates some of the users, and we can’t blame them. Afterall, users wish to draw a line in using their original accounts for these gaming purposes.

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Earlier, there did exist a trick that involves putting your device on airplane mode and then carrying out the said task. This way you wouldn’t even have to follow in real but the task will still be completed. However, the recent update to the game has patched this tweak. So apart from sending real-time messages, there isn’t any other way out. You could send these messages to your number, rather than disturbing your friends about the same.

Tips to be a Social Media Sensation in BitLife

Now it is no hidden secret that the most important prerequisite in becoming a social media influencer is to have followers, lots of followers. See you will anyways gain automatic followers as well, but it will take ages to get to the point where you turn into an overnight sensation. Therefore it is recommended to take a clue from our BitLife Social media Guide and increase your followers. The first thing in this is to keep in mind that more the number of posts, more will be the increase in followers. Therefore, you should keep on posting now and then. Some users posts for a continuous period, and then take a break. This ideology doesn’t seem to reap in many benefits. Post a few but do so regularly.

Opting for some specific jobs also makes you earn a lot of followers. These jobs include the like of an actor, singer and other such related careers in which you are the center of attraction. And keep in mind that reaching a pinnacle is easy, but maintaining the same level of consistency so that you remain on top is rather difficult. So becoming an actor or singer is only the job half done. Keep grooving your character and keep in in the limelight. Furthermore, make sure to maintain healthy attributes of your character, at least 90 is the recommended level. Anything below that and you might face trouble in becoming a star.

Another tip from our BitLife Social Media Guide that will help you out in gaining more followers is through investing in luxurious goods. These include investing in houses and real state property. Apart from that, you could also purchase as many cars as possible. And in doing all these, make sure that your attributes always maintain a healthy level. For that, head over to the gym, go on a long vacation, or do mediation. All these will help you out in the long run in becoming a successful social media star.


With that, we conclude our BitLife Social Media Guide that helps you in gaining more followers and will ultimately make you a famous personality. We would love to hear your views about the tips we shared in this guide. Do drop in your opinions in the comments section below. On that note, here are some iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Trick worth your attention.

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