Harry Potter and Black Lightning actually have a lot in common. Both title characters discovered their abilities at a young age. They also both had a nemesis that took their parents from them. Both characters even secretly trained to work around the government to stop the bad guys. That’s why it seems only fitting that the Sorting Hat figure out just where the Black Lightning characters would fit in at Hogwarts.

They might not be magical, but many of the Black Lightning characters are metahumans who can do some pretty magical things. They’re definitely not all going to be bunking with Harry in Gryffindor, but just where they’d all end up at Hogwarts might surprise some fans.

Anissa Pierce: Gryffindor

Anissa Pierce is one of the easiest characters for the sorting hat to place in the entire Black Lightning series. She’s a Gryffindor long before she ever dons a superhero suit and goes by Thunder.

She’s a champion of the people, working to help women, the underprivileged, and people of color anyway she knows how when the series begins. Anissa is willing to go around the law, and also break it if she can make a difference. She even starts experimenting with her abilities and being a vigilante on her own before she ever knows Black Lightning is her own father. Anissa a Gryffindor through and through.

Grace Choi: Ravenclaw

We haven’t seen quite as much of Grace Choi as comic book fans might like so far, but there are a few things we know about her. Grace has unstable abilities she controls with medication, she’s a comic book fan herself, and she’s a great bartender. That might not seem like a lot, but it does give us plenty of hints for her Hogwarts house.

Throughout Grace’s home are shelves of books and numerous art supplies, demonstrating that she’s got quite the creative mind. She’s a dreamer and a thinker. Grace also has no problem making complicated drinks without pausing her conversations with customers. She’s got a quick wit, a logical thinking process, and she’s knowledgeable in a wide variety of areas with a clear love of learning. Grace belongs in Ravenclaw.

Tobias Whale: Slytherin

It might seem obvious that a villain ends up sorted into Slytherin, but Tobias Whale comes by his sorting honestly. There’s a reason the villain went more than a decade without being truly defeated. 

Tobias is one of the most ambitious characters in Black Lightning. He climbs the rankings of the underworld in Freeland until he’s the leader of The 100, and he doesn’t take kindly to anyone tarnishing his reputation. With dirty cops on his payroll and people working for him all over the city, he’s got the cunning mind of a Slytherin.

Tobias, however, does have something of a code. He doesn’t kill mothers, and he has a soft spot for kids in trouble. After all, his most loyal henchmen were kids he raised or teens he helped.

Syonide: Hufflepuff

With Syonide as a villain, it would be tempting to sort her into Slytherin. Surprisingly, however, Hufflepuff is a better fit for her. She’s a true sidekick, and that means she’s made of loyalty.

Syonide was taken in by Tobias at a young age. He trained her to be ruthless, and she has no problem getting her hands dirty. Syonide only does horrible things, however, because Tobias made her that way. Everything she does, right up until her death, is out of loyalty to the man that raised her.

Peter Gambi: Slytherin

Real name Peter Esposito, he became Gambi when trying to stay off the radar. Gambi is someone who is good at playing both sides of a conflict to his advantage. He’s ruthless and sneaky, making him a perfect sort for Slytherin.

Gambi’s high level of intelligence and his tendency to put innocent people first could seemingly make him a good fit for Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, but his ruthlessness wins out. He’s the kind of character willing to do anything he has to do to achieve his objective. It’s just that Gambi’s objective tends to be protecting innocent people. If he has to torture or kill someone so the heroes can stay heroes, he’ll do it.

Khalil Payne: Gryffindor

Khalil is one of the few characters in Black Lightning who is an accidental villain. A victim of circumstance, he was convinced that aligning with Tobias would help alleviate his pain and give him purpose. Like any Gryffindor, Khalil allowed his emotions to guide him and signed right up with Tobias.

Much of Khalil’s arc on the show is a result of his emotional state. His anger at being paralyzed causes him to give in to a need for revenge he otherwise wouldn’t. Khalil, however, knows that the tasks Tobias gives him are wrong and slowly searches for a way out of The 100. He bravely stands up to Tobias, goes on the run with Jennifer, and takes on mercenaries in his attempt to free himself. 

Bill Henderson: Hufflepuff

A lot of fictional characters in law enforcement tend to end up sorted into Gryffindor. While Henderson is very brave and does eventually take on a leadership role in his story, there are other traits that make him a clear fit for Hufflepuff.

Henderson is all about fairness in justice. Initially, he isn’t too keen on the idea of a vigilante running around town. Eventually, he understands that for criminals with superpowers, he might need a good guy with superpowers on his side. All he wants out of allowing Black Lightning and company to continue operating is the truth. It hurts him when he figures out that one of his oldest friends went over a decade without telling him the truth.

Jennifer Pierce: Gryffindor

Jennifer Pierce is the youngest member of the family - and the last one to find out she’s a metahuman. When she first gets her powers, she initially just wants to be normal, but she eventually embraces her abilities, using them to save lives, including her boyfriend’s and her father’s.

Despite her initially reluctant use of her abilities, Jennifer is absolutely a Gryffindor. She’s not afraid to stand up to those she believes are in the wrong, and she didn’t abandon Khalil, even when he was wallowing in his own despair. Time and again, she’s proven herself brave and selfless, even if she thinks of herself differently.

Lynn Stewart: Ravenclaw

Lynn Stewart is a scientist. That alone would make her seem like the perfect Ravenclaw. It’s not just the fact that she’s smart that sorts her into the house of the creative and clever. It’s the way she approaches her knowledge.

Lynn wants to learn as much as she possibly can about metahumans. She doesn’t want to use the knowledge to climb the corporate ladder or make money. Instead, Lynn is the epitome of the idea that “knowledge is power.” She wants to help the people affected by Green Light. Lynn also wants to make sure that knowledge is used to put away the criminals who would take advantage of others. 

Even with this very Gryffindor approach to science and medicine, Lynn is pragmatic. She’ll use her knowledge to gain personal advantages for her family and she’ll stand as the voice of reason in her family full of Gryffindors. Lynn is often the dissenting voice when it comes to heroics because she can see all of the angles that her more emotional family members cannot.

Jefferson Pierce: Gryffindor

Black Lightning became a symbol of freedom for the people of Freeland. Despite the community putting him on a pedestal, he is just a man - but a man who strives to do the right thing. Jefferson Pierce just cannot turn away from the community that needs him.

He tried to give up his vigilante life to make sure he had more time with his family, but when his own daughters ended up in trouble, he suited back up, following his emotions, just like any other Gryffindor would for someone they cared about. Jefferson continues to follow his emotions more often than his logical thought-out plans. As a result, he sometimes has to be talked down by the more pragmatic Lynn or Gambi.

Never one to back down from trouble though, he remains one of the bravest characters on the series, and a true Gryffindor.