Erik Killmonger has been one of the most interesting villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe so far. Introduced in 2018’s Black Panther, actor Michael B. Jordan brought a phenomenal performance as the antagonist of the film. His tragic backstory was one of the things that made the villain stick out as the film did well at making him a fully three-dimensional character.

Erik grew up where he witnessed just how brutal the real world was and how Wakanda’s resources could help. He wasn’t just a villain that’s main motive was to kill the hero, he wanted power to do what he felt was necessary for world order and the film spent a lot of time developing that.

Museum Scene

This scene starts with Killmonger examining African artifacts before being approached by a woman that tells him more about the rare pieces. Killmonger tells the lady that one of the artifacts is Vibranium from Wakanda to which she knows nothing about. He begins provoking the woman till she begins to fall ill from poison in her coffee.

A medical team comes by with one of them being Ulysses Klaue, another villain with an interest in Vibranium from Wakanda. Klaue and his men kill the security guards around them and steal the hammer. This is a great introduction that shows a big threat coming for Wakanda with Killmonger and Klaue working together.

Killmonger Breaks Klaue Out

This is the first scene that we get to see Killmonger in action against the Black Panther. After Klaue is apprehended by T’Challa and U.S Agent Ross, Killmonger shows up to break him out. T’Challa races towards the van taking Klaue away but is blasted by a grenade launcher shot by Killmonger.

It’s devastating to see him escape as T’Challa had promised to bring Klaue to stand in front of the council for his crimes years ago. T’Challa also notices Killmonger’s necklace has his uncles ring on it that begins making our hero question the past.

Killmonger Kills Klaue

Killmonger is ready to challenge the throne and confront T’Challa. To do so, he has to take care of loose ends. That, of course, being Klaue himself who refuses to take him to Wakanda. Killmonger takes down Klaue’s men and begins opening fire.

Klaue grabs Killmonger’s girlfriend at gunpoint, threatening to kill her if he doesn’t put his weapon down. Here we see Killmonger make a ruthless sacrifice, shooting her. He’s so far gone that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get to Wakanda. Klaue explains that they’ll never let him in as an outsider to which he responds by showing his Wakandan tattoo.

Killmonger’s Identity Revealed

Killmonger appears before the Wakandan council after bringing Klaue’s body in. Something T’Challa was unable to do himself as King. The outsider is able to get under T’Challa’s skin by calling him out for ignoring the suffering of the people all around the world that could be saved if Wakanda wouldn’t stay in isolation. The council, not knowing Killmonger’s identity, views him as a nobody while T’Challa orders him away.

Killmonger reveals his identity as the son of Prince N’Jobu, making him T’Challa’s cousin and giving him the right to challenge the King for the throne. T’Challa accepts his challenge.

Waterfall Duel

The Waterfall Duel creates a very ominous vibe that makes you feel uneasy. Killmonger is ruthless, seeking vengeance for the ones that left him behind and killed his father. His fighting style is different in comparison to T’Challa, he fights with more ferocity and anger. He seems to knows the Wakandan tradition and how they fight in ritual combat.

Killmonger is able to defeat T’Challa but not before Zuri stops the fight and confesses to his involvement in the death of Prince N’Jobu. Killmonger doesn’t care, he takes both Zuri and T’Challa down, making him the new King.

Killmonger’s Suit Reveal

Killmonger’s suit reveal was revealed in the trailers leading up to the film but it still was an amazing moment when we got to see it in action. Resembling a jaguar with its golden hue and spots, the suit looks far more vicious than T’Challa’s.

A scene showing the creation of the suit would have been a lot better to come before this reveal considering it’s never explained if it was created from scratch or not. It looks quite different than the two suits shown earlier in the film so it’s possible it was modified to Killmonger’s liking.

Killmonger’s Ancestral Vision

Killmonger’s ancestral vision scene compared to T’Challa’s is completely different. It shows how the tragic downfall of a young boy forgotten and left behind. His story paints him as a victim and the vision shows how much his past has haunted him and shaped him into the man he is now. He doesn’t cry for his father because of how much his emotions have been stripped away.

He’s truly broken and is willing to sacrifice everything to make the world feel the pain he’s felt. T’Challa’s father created what became Killmonger and left a young boy alone where he had to lose everything to find his way home.

Burning The Heart-Shaped Herbs

Killmonger burning the heart-shaped herbs was shot insanely well and created an emotional scene that followed a smooth transition. Thankfully T’Challa’s beloved Nakia is able to get an herb before the whole garden burns. However, the opportunity for anyone else to use the herb is now lost in the flames.

Killmonger doesn’t care to use the herbs to make super soldiers that can aid him. He’s angry, lost, and broken. The scene of Killmonger standing in front of the herbs as they burn is one of the best shots in the film as it shows just how far our villain is willing to go to get revenge.

Killmonger Takes The Throne

Following Killmonger’s victory over T’Challa in the waterfall duel and the burning of the heart-shaped herbs, we get a very well shot transition to him entering the throne room and sitting down as the new King of Wakanda. He questions the council about Wakanda’s whereabouts while others around the world suffered.

It makes Killmonger’s motives seem justifiable, even through his ruthless ways. While he does want revenge, he also wants to use Vibranium to liberate those who are oppressed around the globe. If his head wasn’t filled with rage and vengeance, he could have perhaps actually been a great leader.

Death Is Better Than Bondage

Killmonger’s final lines close out his character’s arc and give an honorable death to the villain over the beautiful Wakanda sunrise. T’Challa offers to heal him but Killmonger declines, wanting to die rather than be locked up forever.

It’s sad to see another Marvel villain bite the dust but this time, death feels like a fitting end for the character. It would have been great to see if there was any way he could have been redeemed but Killmonger’s final moments are extremely meaningful and could likely play some part in Black Panther 2.