This May, Black Panther and the mighty nation of Wakanda face an alien invasion in Marvel Comics’ Empyre event. Empyre: The Invasion Of Wakanda #1 kicks off a limited series focusing on the Wakandan response to a global threat. Marvel has offered teasers on the enormity of the Empyre maxi-storyline for months now, and fans are bracing for an attack by two of the universe’s most powerful alien races. Black Panther, caught between his Avengers duties, his responsibilities to Wakanda, and his adventures in interstellar diplomacy, is a busy, busy man.

T’Challa (the canonical reigning Black Panther) must aid the Avengers and the Fantastic Four in the main Empyre series, so his attention will be divided. Fortunately, Wakanda has its share of superpowered defenders, which will have to contend with a new alliance formed by Marvel’s legacy alien antagonists, the Kree and Skrull empires. Their ultimate plan remains mysterious, but whenever extraterrestrials have cause to conquer our charming blue planet, the super metal Vibranium is always near the top of their list. Vibranium is an energy-manipulating element used to create everything necessary in the world of superheroes: indestructible shields, absorbent battlesuits, fantastic weapons, and gadgets. In the comics and in the cinematic universe, the wealth of Earth’s Vibranium resources are located in Wakanda, the fictional African nation that is home to Black Panther and some of Earth’s most advanced technology.

Empyre: The Invasion Of Wakanda #1 (of a 3-issue mini-series) comes from a creative team known for work on the Black Panther: Agents of Wakanda ongoing series, including writer Jim Zub and artist Lan Medina, with a cover by Dustin Weaver. From Marvel’s official May 2020 previews:

The Agents of Wakanda are a diverse and fascinating bunch, from a comics fan’s perspective. Their roster includes General Okoye of the Dora Milaje, alongside many notable non-Wakandans: the Wasp, Mockingbird, Man-Wolf, Ka-Zar, American Eagle, the alien mutant Broo, Gorilla-Man, and “immortal weapon” Fat Cobra. Okoye’s trust in the other Agents is in question, according to the events of the regular Agents of Wakanda series. Nevertheless, Okoye is the obvious choice to lead the team in T’Challa’s absence.

The heart of Wakanda — its mighty store of Vibranium — comes under threat as the villains of EMPYRE launch their invasion of Earth! Black Panther’s Agents of Wakanda form the front line against the alien invasion, but the enemy’s powers are vast and unknown. With T’Challa off fighting alongside the Avengers, General Okoye is in charge — and even with the superhumans are her disposal, she may find herself outmatched.

With the cover showcasing both Skrull and Kree soldiers engaging our heroes, it’s worth remembering that the alien coalition’s new leader is in fact Teddy Altman a.ka. Hulking, formerly an Earth-based hero with the Young Avengers, now the vessel of fearsome cosmic destiny as Dorrek VIII, the “King of Space.”  (This issue’s release will coincide with issue #3 of the main Empyre series, which also feature Black Panther on the cover.) Can Wakanda withstand the assault from the unprecedented team-up of Kree and Skrull?

Empyre: The Invasion Of Wakanda #1 arrives in May 2020.

Next: Black Panther’s Taking Agents of Wakanda To Marvel’s MOON

Source: Marvel Comics