Black Sails, originally aired on STARZ and now available on Hulu, was a historical fiction series based somewhat on the novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. The events of the series serve as a prequel to the book, and features some of the same characters. It ran for four seasons from 2014 to 2017. The show is set during the Golden Age of Piracy and follows the exploits of several pirate crews in and around New Providence Island and the port city of Nassau.

The characters, some based on real-life pirates and some entirely fictionalized, are all locked in constant personal and idealistic struggle against each other and the slowly closing fist of the British Empire. When sorting them into Hogwarts Houses, there are some Houses you’d expect to see among a gaggle of pirates, but there are a few that might surprise you.

Mr. Scott: Ravenclaw

Mr. Scott was formerly the house slave of Richard Guthrie, who over time earned Guthrie’s trust and was given increased responsibility and an education. For much of the first season, he serves as Eleanor Guthrie’s advisor and trusted friend.

He typically advised caution for Eleanor’s more risky and reckless plans, urging her to consider her safety and the long term effects on Nassau. Mr. Scott has a gift for foresight in most things, which we think makes him a Ravenclaw. He’s clever enough to hide an entire second life from one of his closest associates, after all.

Max: Slytherin

Max starts the show one of several prostitutes working at a brothel in Nassau, as well as being Eleanor Guthrie’s girlfriend. However, as political tensions and ambitions come between the two, Max cuts ties with Eleanor and starts working to consolidate her own power base in the city.

She’s excellent at manipulation and is able to gather allies without also making a host of enemies. She’s often able to see both sides of a conflict and insinuate herself in a way that ensures she and the people she trusts come out on top.

Charles Vane: Gryffindor

Charles Vane is the well-respected and feared pirate captain of the Ranger and is one of the most successful pirates in Nassau. He rules by fear but is almost entirely fearless. He confronts problem first with his fists, in Gryffindor fashion, and frequently allows his wounded ego to rule over his logic despite being quite intelligent.

He doesn’t value most morals very highly, but will fight and die for his own freedom and urges others to seek freedom from English rule at every opportunity.

Jack Rackham: Hufflepuff

Jack displays a lot of traits that could mark him out as a Ravenclaw. He’s well-read, witty, and proud of it and uses his talents at first as quartermaster on the Ranger. He generally isn’t a skilled fighter or tactician as his companions Vane and Anne, though he does eventually come into his own as a pirate captain.

However, we’ve decided to sort him into Hufflepuff because of another of his most prominent traits: his ride or die loyalty. Specifically for Anne, but also for his other allies, Jack is willing to put himself and his reputation at risk for the benefit of those closest to him.

Anne Bonny: Gryffindor

Anne Bonny is one of the few female pirates operating out of Nassau and easily one of the most dangerous. She allies herself with few people and is friendly with even fewer, generally just her long-time partner Jack Rackham and sometimes Max. Her number one resource for problem-solving is a dagger (or two).

She will typically throw herself headlong into a fight to defend herself, Jack, or the handful of values she holds dear. Like any good Gryffindor, she relies on the more cautious Jack to rein her in or, sometimes, deal with the negative consequences caused by her rash behavior.

 Eleanor Guthrie: Slytherin

Eleanor is the daughter of Richard Guthrie, the most successful black marketeer in the Bahamas and the chief supplier for many of the pirate crews of New Providence Island. She was left in charge of all their family’s business dealings in Nassau and wielded a great deal of influence in the port for a time.

Eleanor was devastatingly ambitious and tried at every turn to not just secure freedom for Nassau but to install herself as its chief power. Unfortunately, she generally wasn’t as cunning or charming as Max and ended up making many enemies whenever she tried to make a profitable deal.

Madi: Gryffindor

Madi is the daughter of Mr. Scott and the Maroon Queen, leader of the freed slave colony on Maroon Island. She grew up in this community with the expectation that she would one day succeed her mother. She’s characterized by her bravery and her clear sense of purpose and justice.

She would do anything to protect her people and keep them free and fights according to her internal compass. She makes it clear that the safety of the people depending on her comes first, even over the safety of herself or her lover, John Silver.

Billy Bones: Hufflepuff

Billy Bones is probably the clearest example of a Hufflepuff in the entire show, which is probably not too surprising since pirates aren’t really known for their goodwill toward men. Billy is the glue that holds the crew of the Walrus together during his time on Flint’s ship.

He’s well-liked and respected and is the key to the smooth operation of the entire crew. He has a strong devotion to the supposed righteousness of the pirate cause and specifically to his pirate brethren.

John Silver: Slytherin

Likewise, Silver is the slitheriest Slytherin of the bunch. He’s a staunch individualist, opportunist, and born liar. He starts off the series by insinuating himself into Flint’s crew, secretly holding the schedule of the Urca that Flint wants to badly to find.

Silver will contort himself into any shape that he thinks will save his skin or get him ahead. He partners with Flint for a time, while it benefits him, but when it seems like Flint’s plans might put him and Madi in danger, he betrays him.

James Flint: Gryffindor

No one can hold a grudge like a Gryffindor. This is because their grudges are born out of rage against injustice, not just a slight on their ego. Captain James Flint has been nursing his wrath at civilization for a long, long time.

Firm in his belief of the righteousness of his cause, Flint is willing to go to any lengths to right the wrongs committed against him and his loved ones. Gryffindors, committed to a cause, are a terror to face in battle. Flint is feared and respected throughout the Bahamas and he won’t stop until he brings the empire to its knees.