Though the MCU is filled with some of the most powerful beings in the universe, Black Widow has managed to become one of the most essential heroes, despite having no superpowers. Black Widow aka Natasha Romanoff is a former Russian assassin who finds redemption as a covert agent for S.H.I.E.L.D. before becoming one of Earth’s mightiest heroes.

Though she is surrounded by godlike individuals, she never lets you question if she belongs on the team. Her training and experience make her one of the deadliest people alive and someone you definitely want fighting on your side. Early footage from the Black Widow film promises more action from her. Before that film hits theaters, let’s look back on Black Widow’s best fights in the MCU.

Taking Down Happy - Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2 was a bit of a disappointing sequel, but it did introduce us to Black Widow in this cinematic universe. She is introduced as a professional who is hired to be Tony Stark’s assistant who is actually working as a spy for Nick Fury. But right away we can see something is special about her.

As Tony is working out with Happy Hogan in the boxing ring, he insists Natasha join them. As Happy condescends about her fighting experience, Natasha quickly shows him she is not to be messed him. It’s a quick, funny moment that teases her true badass nature.

Crossbones’ Goons – Captain America: Civil War

If you’re on a covert mission, there is no hero better to take along than Black Widow. She is extremely skilled at blending into a crowd and if trouble starts, she’s immediately ready to jump into action and kick some butt.

As she and the other Avengers look to capture Crossbones, the villain and his mercenaries attack the CDC headquarters and steal a deadly virus. Black Widow single-handedly takes on several goons and makes quick work of them. It’s a fast and gritty fight that shows off her unique fighting style.

Airport Melee – Captain America: Civil War

The airport fight in Captain America: Civil War is one of the most fun sequences in the MCU. As Team Iron Man and Team Captain America face-off, we get to see some of our favorite heroes duking it out in fun and creative ways. But even in this impressive company, Black Widow stands out as one of the best fighters.

We see her go head-to-head with Ant-Man, Hawkeye, Black Panther and more of her usual allies. Not only does she make it out pretty unscathed, but she also beats most of them.

Brainwashed Hawkeye – The Avengers

Although they are some of the best friends in the MCU, Black Widow and Hawkeye do fight a lot. In fact, the first time we ever see them sharing the screen they get into a brutal and dangerous fight. Although to be fair, Hawkeye was brainwashed by Loki at the time.

There is a real thrill seeing these two super spies beating each other up and this fight scene is so well choreographed. The way they managed to one-up each other and keep trading off on who has the upper hand makes for a tense brawl and hints at a much more important fight between them to come.

Fighting Pirates - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Though their ideologies don’t always match up, Captain America and Black Widow make a good team. She really is the perfect Avenger to accompany Cap in his solo movie sequel. While Captain America: The Winter Soldier introduces Cap’s more tactical fighting style, Black Widows shows off her skills as well.

The movie opens with Cap and his team staging an assault on a hijacked ship in the middle of the ocean. Black Widow makes as much damage to the pirates on board, putting her spy and assassin training to excellent use in this exhilarating sequence.

Battle Of Wakanda – Avengers: Infinity War

Regardless of how powerful one of the MCU heroes might be, the Battle of Wakanda was a pretty scary fight. Thanos’ army was massive and ferocious, not to mention the fate of the universe was on the line.

Black Widow shows she can be very cool under even the most intense pressure. She is a key hero in the fight, taking out multiple foes. The best moment comes when Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, and Okoye take on Proxima Midnight together.

Highway Fight – Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is often praised for having the best fight scenes in the MCU. The more grounded hand-to-hand combat sequences in the film do feel refreshing amongst all the over-the-top superhero battles. And this is the kind of action scenes where Black Widow really thrives.

In one of the best sequences, The Winter Soldier and the Hydra goons ambush Cap and his team on the middle of the highway. Despite being taken by surprise, Black Widow fights her way through the enemies and even gives Winter Soldier a good beating.

Interrogation - The Avengers

Though we got a glimpse at her in action in Iron Man 2, there was still some question as to how Black Widow would match up against the other heroes in The Avengers. However, in her very first scene, she reminds us of her abilities and why she has earned her spot on the team.

We find Black Widow tied up and being interrogated by some mean Russians. But we soon realize she is actually interrogating them without them even knowing. Finished with the mission, Black Widow breaks out of her confinement and kicks everyone’s ass effortlessly.

Fight To The Death – Avengers: Endgame

Though a lot of attention is given to Tony Stark’s death in Avengers: Endgame, Black Widow’s demise was equally heartbreaking. Not only was it hard to see one of the original heroes go, but the way she goes out is so true to her character it makes it all the more moving.

Knowing that one of them needs to make the sacrifice at Vormir to get the Soul Stone, Black Widow, and Hawkeye engage in a fight to the death, each one trying to sacrifice themselves so the other can live. It’s a tense and devastating moment between two heroes who have been through a lot together.

Hammer’s Headquarters - Iron Man 2

Though Black Widow has been through a lot and evolved a great deal since her first appearance in the MCU, the first time we see her in action remains unforgettable. Though we had seen a glimpse of it as she took down Happy, her fight scene against Justin Hammer’s goons is so much fun.

As the army of Hammer drones wreaks havoc, Black Widow infiltrates Hammer’s facility and goes through the poor thugs working there without any issue. We get to see why she is one of the best and it is the highlight of Iron Man 2.