The work of Philip K. Dick has spun off into films, television series and even anime! Sci-fi fans have loved his novels but there’s so much more for people to read. If you are a fan of science fiction therefore, we can provide ten books for you to read.

Many of these have been made into films and TV shows, while others are yet to be adapted to the screen. However, each of these works of fiction have added something new to the science fiction landscape and helped to elevate the genre in some way.


The War of the Worlds is a H.G. Wells classic novel that every science fiction fan should read. It’s well know that the work of Well’s has influenced so much in the genre and indeed this particular book has been made into radio plays, films and a new BBC series.

The book looks at the consequences of an alien race attacking Earth, in giant spider-like contraptions. It’s dangerous, thrilling and completely game changing in terms of the alien invasion stories that we still tell today.


The Time Machine is another work of H.G. Wells and also just as influential. Time travel has been a concept that’s been knocking around in the science fiction world for some time, but it’s this novel that revolutionised the idea in the context.

The concept of getting into a time machine and travelling to whatever era the user chooses has gone on to be featured so many times. Whether it’s the TARDIS or the Dolorean, film fans owe the genre their time to read this novel and see where it all began.


The Thrawn novels are both within the canon and legends of the Star Wars universe, but all of them that are in this series are phenomenal. For fans of the genre and this particular franchise, it’s well worth checking out some of the best modern science fiction books.

The novels follow the life and career of the extremely intelligent, Imperial alien Thrawn, as he rises through the ranks of the dastardly Empire. The character is one of the most interesting in this universe and another book is on the way.


There are many underrated sci-films out there and indeed books; this may be one of his works that is overlooked. The idea of the Nazis actually winning WWII is not a new one now, but back when it was written this was a bold an interesting narrative.


This has also been turned into an extremely underrated movie, although the novel itself has not been overlooked. The work of Orson Scott Card will not be forgotten as he has created an elaborate and rich science fiction world with a young boy at the helm.

His books are witty, intellectual and do exactly what sci-fi should; ask difficult philosophical questions and aim to answer them through the magical experiences of someone thrust into a unique and futuristic situation. This is an important addition to the genre that must be read.


This is a world where those who die can have new bodies and invokes some of the imagery of other sci-fi classics on this list. It’s a newer book in this list and one that demonstrates how science fiction has developed across time.


Likely the most influential piece of writing on this list, Philip K. Dick’s work on robotics has changed the game completely. Almost every TV show or film that deals with artificial intelligence in some way, will be taking a nod to this piece of work.

It’s been a huge factor in the changing landscape of science fiction and any fan of the genre needs to read this in order to understand so many other pieces in science fiction. It will always remain a classic and is one of the most famous books in the world although the title is somehow forgotten often.


Another post apocalyptic work that has been adapted many times, this is reminiscent of works such as 1984 and shows what it could be really like to live in a dictatorship, or a state that tries to erase history and lead people into believing something new and false.

It’s an important novel considering the current political climate and one that is being used in all sorts of science fiction works today. It’s one of the core books in the apocalypse genre as well and elements of it can be seen in other major franchises, such as that of Katniss Everdeen’s life.


A science fiction classic with quite a meta twist, this is more of a guidebook than a full on novel but it does actually tell a really interesting story. It’s quirky and so unique, but interacted with a lot of completely different concepts compared to others on this list.

It’s both high and low brow and will tell a ridiculous joke while also making an interesting philosophical point. It’s the height of what science fiction can be and should be read by any fan of the genre or even people trying to jump in for the first time.


Robots are often some of the scariest villains in all of cinema. This novel aims to understand this artificial intelligence better and makes as good case for why they could be terrifying, exploring all of the genre concepts we’ve seen in science fiction.

Although there is a sub-par Will Smith film about this book, the work is actually far different from that seen on the big screen. It’s thoughtful, thrilling and one of the quintessential pieces on robotics in the future.