BlizzCon 2019 kicks off their celebrations today, and players will finally get to see what’s coming up over the next year and beyond for games like Hearthstone, Overwatch, Diablo, and more. Although the company’s recent public image has been marred by multiple politicians calling out Blizzard (thanks to the company’s treatment of a Heathstone player following a tournament in which the player expressed support for Hong Kong protesters and subsequently got banned from playing professionally for six months) many players are still hoping for new announcements from Blizzard on some of their favorite games.

Rumors of Overwatch 2 and the announcement of the long-awaited, much-leaked Diablo 4 are just some of the things players are looking forward to when BlizzCon celebrations begin later today. Although the company recently lost an esports sponsor thanks to the aforementioned Hearthstone controversy and subsequent fallout, games like Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch are popular enough many players will tune in simply to see if the free-to-play Overwatch rumors are true.

BlizzCon’s opening ceremony is set to start today, November 1st, at 11AM PT (2PM ET). While many of the later conferences are usually restricted to people who have purchased BlizzCon tickets, the opening ceremonies and larger press announcements are free to watch and will be livestreamed online. According to the celebration’s schedule, players can expect an update on Heroes of the Storm today at 3:15PM PT (6:15PM ET) and an update on the current state of Hearthstone at 5:15 PM PT (8:15PM ET). The official livestream is embedded below.

Additionally, tomorrow will see updates on both World of Warcraft (scheduled for 11:15AM PT) and Overwatch (at 1:15PM PT). Although there is an “Artists at Work: Diablo” panel scheduled for 10:30AM PT during November 2nd’s festivities, there is no official Diablo 4 slot mentioned in BlizzCon’s itenerary, although multiple leaks have strongly suggested such a game will indeed be announced. Additionally, multiple slots on the conference’s schedule have remained blank, with only the cryptic words “Coming Soon” written in the space allotted.

After last year’s disastrous Diablo Immortal reveal and the currently divided state of Blizzard’s fan base, the company is surely hoping to provide enough quality content to their players to gain entry back into their good graces. Although it’s doubtful Blizzard will make any sort of statements regarding the current controversies surrounding their actions, the BlizzCon celebrations will surely be worth watching just to see whether or not the company succeeds in delivering on what their fans have been begging for.

Next: Heroes of the Storm Gets Its BIGGEST Character Yet With WoW’s Deathwing

Source: Blizzard