The critically acclaimed Bloodborne hosts a cast of challenging and interesting boss battles. The eerie setting of the From Software title opens up room for horrific character designs. Taking inspiration from the Lovecraftian mythos, Bloodborne provides players with one of the most unique experiences of the PS4 generation if not the history of video games.  All of its visually pleasing qualities aside, the game can be incredibly difficult for a new player. The variety of challenging boss battles can be an intimidating bridge to cross. And the crowned king of these hard boss battles is awarded to the infamous Orphan of Kos fight.

Heralded as one of the most challenging battles by fans and critics alike, the Orphan of Kos is a handful for even the most battle-hardened Dark Souls veteran. Kos’s sporadic attack pattern, rapid speed, high damaging attacks, powerful long-range moves, and his unpredictability makes this boss one of the most difficult in gaming history. This guide will show players some solid tips and tricks to defeat the infamous beast. Keep in mind that this fight is frustrating even with these tips and tricks in mind, but with some resilience, he will be nothing more than trivial in no time.

How to Dodge the Orphan of Kos in Bloodborne

One of the most important ideas to understand when facing Kos is there are right and wrong ways to dodge his attacks. The most typical response to facing such a powerful enemy would be to dodge backward and to safety. And while there are moments that may require a bit of retreat, it shouldn’t be the primary method of mobility in this battle.

Kos’s attacks have a very wide-reaching hitbox. Swinging his attacks from left to right, players will be swiftly destroyed if they dodge in either of these directions. His long-ranged swipes will catch a player dodging backward, but in some situations, it is imperative to dodge backward. When fighting Kos head to head it is important that players dodge forward and to the right. If you dodge forward and to the left, Kos will catch you with his wide-swinging attacks and can kill you in just a few strikes. But by dodging forward and to the right, a player’s invincibility frames will protect from any wonky hitboxes. Plus, you will be placed right behind the grotesque beast to launch a hefty counter-attack.

At long range, it is imperative that you stay focused and watch for his far-reaching attacks. He will utilize a select variety of long-ranged swings that will require a backward dodge. However, watch for his projectile attack, in his first phase he will throw it in a straight line and it will require a side step to avoid.

During his second phase, things become more complicated. Not only does Kos become extremely fast but he gains access to powerful lighting attacks and splashing projectiles. Kos will stop and let out a bone-chilling howl to signal the start of his lighting attack. The best way to avoid this is to simply run as far away as possible. Keep an eye on Kos while you retreat because he will jump towards you with powerful attacks that may require a last-minute dodge. Kos gains access to a new acid toss that is both powerful and wide-sweeping. A well-timed back dash is the best way to avoid this move. As the fight progresses he will gain the ability to toss acid then leap behind a player and toss more acid. This will be the most difficult to avoid so dash backward the minute you see Kos jump. This will place you behind him allowing room for a counter-attack or a chance to retreat.

His melee attacks in this phase are similar to his original ones but they will deal more damage and become increasingly more powerful. His attacks will begin to string four or five swipes in a row. If you do get hit by one, don’t panic, simply dodge forward and to his right. This should position you safely from his range. Whatever you do, don’t back dash if caught by an attack, this will place a player right in his range and line of attack leading to a swift and brutal death.

Fighting the Orphan of Kos in Bloodborne

Once you understand how exactly to dodge his attacks, fighting Kos becomes a war of attrition. Use your forward dodge to gain positional advantage and strike the gruesome enemy.

After a well-timed dodge there is some variation in how you can attack the beast. One or two quick weapon strikes can be used to pepper the boss’s large health pool. This is a safe option as it allows players to deal damage and quickly get out of his range. Be sure to not string too many light attacks in one combo as Kos may recover and counter attack sealing doom for even the best player. Another option would be to charge up a powerful heavy attack after this dodge, which will stagger Kos while dishing out some big damage. The most important aspect of both of these offensive tactics is to land one or two hits than regroup. You do not want to stand close and exchange blows with the Orphan of Kos as he will dismantle any player in his way.

The Orphan of Kos is a fight that roots itself in learning how to be patient in the presence of danger. His fast combinations and damaging moves may seem like too much to overcome. But in reality, all it takes is a cautious and patient player. Utilize your forward dodges to gain position over the beast, land one or two solid strikes than retreat. Rinse and repeat until the enemy is defeated. This will place you among the elite players of Bloodborne and one of the few individuals who defeated the infamous Orphan of Kos boss fight.

More: Bloodborne: All 3 Endings & How to Achieve Them

Bloodborne is available now on PS4.