Here’s how you can find and defeat all of Bloodstained’s bosses. Made by Koji Igarashi, Bloodstained is a loving tribute to the Castlevania games of old, filled with secret rooms and chests galore.

This guide provides tips and tricks on finding the secret boss locations hidden around Hellhold Castle. Each secret boss is unique in their own way and different tactics are required to succeed at taking them all down. So gear up and get prepared to take down Bloodstained’s secret bosses!

Eight-Bit Overlord

The Eight Bit Overlord is hiding in the secret area called “8-bit Nightmare“. To get there, you’ll need to be in the upper area of the Hall of Termination. You will find a destructible ceiling in the very top room. Once inside make sure you grab the chest containing the Celeste Key. There will be a second destructible wall on the left side that will lead you to another secret room. Get to the bookcase which will take you into the “8-bit Nightmare”. You’ll notice the whole world has changed around you, like something straight out of an NES game. This room is a short, straight line directly to the boss but it’s very challenging, so be prepared.

Fighting the Overlord can be a bit of a struggle, but it’s manageable. Just keep moving through the room while jumping at good opportunities to smack him in the head. Whenever he spits his fireballs just lock yourself in between two of them and you’ll be able to easily avoid the flames. After you’ve done some damage, the Overlord will start spreading flames throughout the whole room. You can easily find gaps in between the flames, but you’ll have to keep moving to avoid damage. Once you defeat him, you’ll be kicked out of the nightmare and back to the hall, job well done.

Master Carpenter

To reach this Boss, you will first have to find the Carpenter’s Key, which is located at the top of the third tower in the Dian Cecht Cathedral. You will have to have the Invert Shard before you can access it. Once you have the key, head on over to the Oriental Sorcery Lab, directly below the final save room will be a door, use the key and get ready.

Master Carpenter doesn’t have too many different types of attacks, but the ones he does have are damaging. In the beginning, just keep moving and hitting when you can. Once you see him starting to craft a chest, get in fast and hit him as much as you can. The chest will produce a large Archdemon, it isn’t too difficult to deal with if you utilize the Invert Shard. Then just rinse and repeat.


The Revenant is also hiding behind lock and key. First head to the Glacial Tomb, get to the warp room and head left to the dead end. Inside the chest, there will be the Warhorse’s Key. The door hiding the Revenant is located in the first section of the Garden of Silence on the lower level, unlock it and head in.

Fighting him is fairly simple, stay behind his back as often as possible as he has multiple ranged attacks that cause some serious damage and if you’re up close he’ll start swinging his whip. Just utilize fast hits and dodges. The Shovel Armor shard will also help make this battle a little easier.

Millionaire’s Bane

Locks and keys seem to be a trend here in Bloodstained. To find Millionaire’s Bane you’ll need the Millionaire’s Key located in the first large open area of the Den of Behemoths. Simply use the Invert Shard and run all the way to the chest on the left. Once you’ve got that head back over to the final section of the Hall of Termination, the door will be to the right of the last save room.

The easiest of all the secret bosses, Millionaire’s Bane is literally a slot machine. As with most bosses, the Invert Shard will be invaluable here. His attacks are telegraphed by his spinning reels. Just remember which reels do what and prepare accordingly.

  • 3 Coins and he’ll spin again. 3 Watermelons will release bombs - Use you’re Invert Shard to easily dodge. 3 Cherries will summon Lili - Just focus on Lili, getting rid of her before you finish the boss. 3 Bells summons ceiling cannons - The cannons drop gold that damages you, Invert Shard to the rescue again. 3 Bar Symbols will drop actual gold - Grab it! 3 Lucky Sevens instantly kills him and rains down a jackpot worth of gold.

If the reels don’t match at all Millionaire’s Bane will simply attack with a giant lick. Just keep your focus, attack when you can and this battle will be over in no time.

Orlok Dracule

Orlok Dracule is your friendly local librarian for most of Bloodstained and is the most difficult boss fight to locate and arguably, the most difficult to battle. The first thing you’ll need to do is explore at least 99% of the entire castle. Once that is done head on back to the library and borrow the book “Tome of Conquest” from Orlok. Then head to the warp room in the Glacial Tomb, once you leave that room Orlok will be waiting for you, ready to fight due to your lateness in returning his books.

For this fight, it’s incredibly important to equip yourself with the right gear. The Shovel Armor shard will come in quite handy and choose a fast weapon that allows you to use the Jinrai technique, such as the Mikazuki. Finally, load up on the best defensive armor you’ve got. His attacks are fast and furious but with the right amount of caution, you should be able to beat him. In the end, you’ll be able to return to the library and borrow every book he owns, boosting your stats quite a bit.

Now that you’ve found and defeated all the secret bosses all that’s left is unlocking the true ending to Bloodstained.

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