Bloomberg is reporting that “sources familiar with the plans” say Apple is planning to release two new iPhone models next year with curved displays. The two phones would have 4.7 inch and 5.5 inch displays respectively, both substantially bigger than the 4 inch Retina Display currently offered in the iPhone 5s and more in line with Samsung’s S4 and Note 3.

Assumedly, the two new phones will be the successors to the iPhone 5s and 5c, released in September. Bloomberg says the new devices will launch in a similar timeframe.

The report also details that Apple is actively working on pressure-sensitive display sensors. However, this functionality (which can tell the difference between light and hard presses on the screen) will not be part of the 2014 iPhone lineup and is currently “planned for a later model”, according to the article.

Rumours of a larger-screened iPhone in the pipeline have picked up in recent months, such as this  recent report in the Wall Street Journal and this report from DisplaySearch that lines up with the screen size dimensions discussed by Bloomberg closely. That being said, Bloomberg is the first major publication to mention a curved screen specifically.