Bloomberg adds that Ive has met with companies behind gesture control technology that sounds similar to the Leap Motion controller. The report also noted that Ive led a two-hour town hall meeting in March to discuss upcoming changes, while pointing out that he now regularly attends meetings with Greg Christie and the software design team and has provided them with “an earlier look at what future hardware products will look like”

Longer term, Ive also has shown interest in altering how people control their computers. He has met with makers of gesture technology that lets people navigate their gadgets by moving their hands — without touching the screen, said a personal familiar with those interactions… Ive’s expanded role was on display in March when he led a more than two-hour town-hall meeting at the De Anza 3 auditorium in Cupertino. Cook sat listening as Ive spoke at length about the shifts under way, said two people familiar with the gathering.

Yesterday we first reported that Apple’s upcoming OS X 10.9, internally codenamed “Cabernet”, is set to include new power-user features and elements of iOS including major enhancements to the Finder, a redesigned Safari browser, full-screen/Space support for multi monitor setups, and more. However, according to our sources, a major redesign for 10.9 isn’t in the cards, as Apple first plans to focus on the big design changes slated for the upcoming release of iOS 7.