HBO’s Boardwalk Empire had a successful run on HBO for five seasons, proving once and for all, that Steve Buscemi can be more than just comic relief in a movie.

While his character Nucky Thompson made his way up the ranks doing some of the more dastardly things a human being can do to obtain power, his time at the top was short-lived thanks to sins of the past that haunted him throughout the series to the very end. So, what exactly were the best and worst moves Nucky ever made on Boardwalk Empire? Was he a genius or was he enamored by fool’s gold?

Genius: Bootlegging During Prohibition

While Nucky was deserving of rising through the ranks of local politics to eventually be a national figure, he still was a product of the times he lived in. His successful rise from Atlantic County Sheriff, to crime boss, was provided to him thanks to prohibition being enacted in the United States.

It was only a matter of time before someone bold and greedy enough took advantage, creating a bootlegging operation that had room to expand along the east coast. Nucky just happened to be greedy and bold enough to step into that role.

Foolish: Forced To Confront Bullies By His Father

Nucky had an abusive childhood, as his alcoholic father seldom spared the rod on him. When Nucky was a child, four local bullies stole his baseball glove from him. He smartly allowed them to take it.

However, when his father found out, he forced Nucky to challenge the boys to a fight. A fight that ended with him spending eleven days in the hospital for his act of bravery, or, some might say, stupidity. Though, it did teach him to never let anyone force him to do something he didn’t want to do.

Genius: Imprisoning Chalky White

While Chalky White was for the most a strong ally of Nucky’s, when The Commodore joined forces with the KKK to disrupt Nucky’s bootlegging operations, they attack his business partner Chalky, who kills one of them as they flee. Repercussions from the murder have the city in the middle of a race war.

The ever savvy Nucky, imprisons Chalky to keep his business partner safe, while, also, playing to the white crowd. He then promises justice for the KKK attack to his African-American constituents, resulting in him winning both sides in his election.

Foolish: Handing Gillian To The Commodore

His decision to convince a twelve-year-old orphan girl by the name of Gillian, to meet his boss, The Commodore, at his home, knowing full well, his boss was a known pedophile, was a decision that haunted Nucky for the rest of his life. Gillian trusted Nucky as he and his wife had been kind enough to take her in.

Sadly, her trust was misplaced, as Nucky betrayed her for political gain and in the process, ruined her entire life. This specific act of treachery was what eventually led to Nucky’s death at the hands of Gillian’s grandson.

Genius: Framing Hans Schroeder

Guilt-ridden but too proud to admit it, Nucky tried to be a father-figure for Gillian’s son, Jimmy, who, also, was the son of The Commodore. When Jimmy and Al Capone interfere in Nucky’s bootlegging operation that is providing alcohol to Arnold Rothstein by hijacking a shipment, one of the survivors points out Jimmy as the culprit.

At the same time, Nucky has fallen for Margaret Schroeder, whose husband, Hans beat her causing her to miscarry. Seeing an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, Nucky has Hans killed, while framing the dead man for the hijacking.

Foolish: Nucky Partners With Rothstein

Throughout the series, Rothstein is either a strong ally or a most hated enemy. His role for fixing the 1919 World Series bought him the ire of many powerful figures, who, by guilt by association, then started to look into Nucky’s bootlegging operations. Rothstein, who at the time was working with the D’Allesio brothers in hijacking Nucky’s shipments, was forced to change course.

Instead, he asked Nucky to call in his ties with Chicago government officials to end an indictment against him. Lucky agreed, but only if Rothstein gave up the D’Allesio brothers’ location.

Genius: Securing Connections With The Warren Harding Campaign

While not having national political aspirations himself, Nucky had sharpened his teeth in local Atlantic City politics and by doing so, knew many local and national figures. When Senator Walter Edge refused Nucky’s attempt to fund road improvements from Atlantic City as a way of attracting tourists, Nucky attempted to bypass the Senator. He forged an alliance with the Harding campaign, promising to hide Harding’s mistress and to avoid a scandal in the press.

Also, he delivered the New Jersey delegation to Harding during the 1920 Republican National Convention on the promise that the Harding campaign fund his road construction.

Foolish: Sending Owen Sleater To Kill Joe Masseria

When Nucky sends his former driver and bodyguard, Owen Sleater, to kill New York Crime Boss Joe Masseria, the plan goes awry. This all happens when Luciano, who is trying to broker a deal for Masseria to buy his heroin, betrays Nucky, telling Masseria about the hit.

Sleater is killed and his head is sent back to Nucky as a present. While the plan to assassinate Masseria might never have worked, even without Luciano’s snitching, it would have made more sense to send a more capable enforcer than your former driver to do the deed.

Genius: Trading Weapons For money With The IRA

Nucky found himself on the wrong side of the war with the Commodore and Eli. Also, Jimmy, who had just taken out a hit on Nucky, forcing him to seek help from a foreign crime organization.

After the death of his father, Nucky used the burial of his father in Ireland as a cover for dealing guns for whiskey with the IRA. He did this as a means of funding his war with his enemies. When Nucky returns, he floods the city with cheap liquor, resulting in the destruction of Jimmy’s bootlegging endeavor. Thus, stifling out his local competition.

Foolish: Killing Jimmy Darmody

The killing of Jimmy Darmody by Nucky was the moment when he reached the point of no return. he had damaged the life of Gillian Darmody and was responsible for Jimmy even being born. Jimmy was a reminder of his past mistakes, mistakes he didn’t wish to make again.

When Jimmy died, so did Nucky’s conscience. After Gillian is placed in a mental institution, Tommy, Jimmy’s son, is orphaned. As an adult, he seeks revenge for the crimes Nucky inflicted on his family. Tommy takes Nucky’s life the same way Nucky took his father’s life, completing the cycle.