In 2018, Bodyguard premiered on the BBC Network in the United Kingdom. Starring Richard Madden of Game of Thrones fame, Keeley Hawes, Sophie Rundle, and more, the series captivated audiences en route to being one of the most-watched shows in that channel’s history. But then Bodyguard found even more popularity on Netflix.

Netflix reached a deal with BBC to broadcast the show on their streaming service everywhere outside of the United Kingdom The intense series, focusing on an Army veteran with PTSD working to protect the Home Secretary, ended up being viewed more than ever and went on to win a handful of awards. It was also one of the best action shows available on Netflix. These are the 10 best scenes from the show.

Craddock Is In The Insider

Throughout the show, almost everything that occurs seems designed to make PS David Budd (Madden) look like the bad guy. You’re left wondering who could have set him up and who is behind it all. When the finale rolled around, Budd found himself in more trouble than ever.

When he got himself free, he didn’t run to safety. Instead, he hunted down the source of these setups. It led him to a confrontation that revealed the insider was CSI Lorraine Craddock, better known as his superior officer. It was a shocking revelation, to say the least.

The Sniper Reveal

A highlight of the show came during the second episode. Budd was put in the toughest test of keeping the Home Secretary Julia Montague (Hawes) safe. They were attacked by a sniper in a scene that would make any viewer tense up and suffer from sweaty palms.

The end of the scene was a true kicker. Budd ran as fast as he could to the location of the sniper to take him out. In another tremendous reveal, we discovered that the shooter was someone the audience knew: Budd’s war veteran buddy, Andy Apsted. It marked the first instance of Budd’s two lives colliding.

David Strangles Julia

As is the case with a lot of drama shows, the two leads became engaged in a romantic relationship. Being in situations where their lives were on the line forced David and Julia to form an almost untouchable bond. Things got hot and heavy, leading to a secret affair confined to their hotel rooms.

Julia snuck over to David’s room to wake him up for a bit of fun in the middle of the night. An unsuspecting David instinctively went on the offensive and choked Julia to the ground. He snapped out of it and realized what he did, but the damage was done. It was an intense scene that showed how the PTSD was affecting David.

The Truck Bomb

The main common trend you’ll find on this list are scenes filled with tense moments. That is again the case with the truck explosion. During the second episode, a truck driven by terrorists was on the loose and headed straight towards a school. Dozens of children were playing outside.

The scene unfolded as the truck drove closer and officers did everything to stop it. They ultimately succeeded after a fierce gunfight. However, the driver of the truck detonated a bomb with his dying breath and set it off, blowing up the block. It let us know that this show wasn’t pulling any punches.

Suicide Attempt

Things got rough for David throughout the show. The shocking death of Julia Montague sent him into a tailspin. David went back to his apartment and all hope seemed lost. So much so that he put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. The scene was shot with a quick cut that looked like he killed himself.

And since this series had just killed off Julia, some viewers thought they might have pulled off another stunner. David’s wife Vicky (Rundle) arrived to check on him and it was revealed that the gun’s rounds were swapped with blanks. His willingness to pull the trigger was emotional enough but the blanks added a new wrinkle to the mystery.

Nadia Is The Bomb Maker

The opening scene of the show is a thrilling one. It introduced audiences to Nadia, who we believe to be a mostly innocent woman. As she nearly used a suicide bomb to murder a large number of people, David helped her calm down and she came across as a pawn rather than someone malicious.

As the show progressed, Nadia was often seen as a scared woman who did her best to help David. But in the finale, we discovered that she was the elusive person who had made the bombs responsible for much of the misery caused throughout the show. Watching her demeanor completely flip when she dropped the facade was fascinating.

Julia’s Death

Nobody saw this coming. No matter how many twists you expect from a show, killing off one of the two main characters wasn’t suspected. Especially only three episodes in. But that’s what Bodyguard did. Julia was giving an important speech on stage and David sensed something was off.

He went around the room and checked on everything he possibly could. Though it all seemed fine, the stage blew up as a bomb went off. The whole thing played out in pulse-pounding fashion. And then seeing the battered body of Julia among the rubble was the extra gut punch the scene needed.

David’s Vest

A big chunk of the final episode saw David get kidnapped. He woke up wearing a suicide vest with his hand taped up into a dead man’s switch. This whole thing nearly lasted half an hour but it still counts as one scene — a long one, filled with incredible moments.

David trying to get someone to let him use their phone. Vicky running up to him to prevent officers from shooting him down. None of the cops believing him because he had become so untrustworthy. The walk to his apartment and finally the release of the bomb itself. It all made for gripping television.

The Train Situation

As noted earlier, the first episode started with David on a train as he met Nadia. Noticing a potential disturbance, it was David who discovered her in the bathroom as she prepared to set off a suicide bomb. To protect everyone on board, David did everything he could to talk her down.

The entire scene played out masterfully. David’s desperation to first gain Nadia’s trust and then to convince her not to do the deed was intense enough. But then you add in the arrival of the police and David’s attempts to make sure they didn’t shoot Nadia and you’ve got one of the best scenes you’ll ever see anywhere.

Sniper Attack

Also pointed out earlier was the scene involving David’s buddy Andy as a sniper. It came from out of nowhere. David and Julia were having a simple conversation in the car when the driver was suddenly shot. A few more rounds fired off and blood went everywhere.

The next few minutes were as intense as they come. David held Julia’s hand as she sat, covered in blood and terrified, to try and keep her calm as an active sniper was still targeting them. Seeing the way David got them to safety was the highlight of a scene loaded with action and great moments.