The beloved show BoJack Horseman streamed its final episodes on Netflix on January 31st and the animated comedy-drama is, sadly, now over. The final season introduced new challenges for the characters, as well as several satisfying endgames and an uplifting theme of recovery that concluded the show on a high note.

BoJack’s past crimes come back to haunt him and the troubled horse finally makes peace with his past after a near brush with death. Other characters including Diane, Mr. Peanubutter, Todd, and Princess Carolyn also found closure in a final season of comedic highs and relatable lows. Here are the ten best moments from the final episodes of BoJack Horseman.

Princess Carolyn And Judah Get Married

Princess Carolyn finds love in the final season after her former assistant Judah Mannowdog returns. Judah serenades PC with a heartfelt and characteristic love song and the two characters get married in the series finale “Nice While It Lasted.”

It is great to see Princess Carolyn happy and in love after witnessing her romantic struggles with BoJack throughout the series. The two former flames share a dance at PC’s wedding as they reminisce on the past, having finally found closure.

Todd Meets Maude

Princess Carolyn isn’t the only BoJack character who finds love in the final season. After embracing his asexuality and pursuing unsuccessful relationships with Emily and Yolanda, Todd meets and moves in with quirky barista Maude. The two are a fun couple who are far better suited than Todd’s other romances.

Todd and Maude complement each other and encourage each other’s enthusiastic optimism. Todd is one of the show’s most likable characters and it is lovely to see him have the happy ending that he deserves.

Diane Struggles To Write Her Book

Diane’s arc throughout the final season of BoJack Horseman was well-written and relatable. She moves to Chicago to be with her new boyfriend Guy, who encourages her to take anti-depressants. Diane is happier but still struggles to her write her book of memoirs and questions her future with medication.

Diane’s arc, like BoJack’s, centers heavily around the theme of recovery. She slowly makes peace with her “damage” and accepts her new, happier self. The series concludes with Diane married to Guy with a successful series of YA books behind her.

BoJack’s Near-Death Experience

“The View From Halfway Down” is one of BoJack Horseman’s most harrowing and haunting episodes. BoJack relapses after reading a damning letter from Hollyhock and breaks into his old house whilst intoxicated. The titular character almost drowns in the pool, encountering ghostly visions of the people he has lost in his life.

There is a foreboding sense of danger lurking throughout the episode that culminates with an existential examination of BoJack’s life. Luckily, he is revived in time and lives to face the consequences of his actions.

The Public Learns The Truth About Sarah Lynn’s Death

BoJack has committed countless bad acts that are listed on a whiteboard as a visual gag in season six’s “Sunk Cost And All That.” The most unforgivable thing he has done is his involvement in Sarah Lynn’s death, which is finally revealed to the public after BoJack gives a blundering interview on television.

Sarah Lynn’s death is one of the most tragic storylines in the show. The child actress looked to BoJack as a father figure but was instead led down a dark path by the troubled horse that resulted in her untimely demise.

Mr. Peanutbutter Learns To Be Alone

Mr. Peanutbutter has had three failed marriages and countless unsuccessful relationships in his lifetime. It is great to see his character finally grow and learn to be alone in the series finale, finding closure with his ex-wife Diane in a touching and heartfelt phone call.

Mr. Peanutbutter, like Todd, is an optimistic and happy-go-lucky character who can be naive to the problems in his life. In the final season, he becomes more self-aware, reflecting on the issues in his life and how he has influenced them.

Professor Horseman

BoJack finds peace for the first time in his life during the show’s final season. The titular character leaves rehab and struggles to readjust to life in LA. Deciding to leave Hollywoo behind him, BoJack takes a job at Hollyhock’s college teaching students and flourishes in the role of teacher.

BoJack’s happiness is fleeting. The truth about Sarah Lynn’s death is revealed to the public and BoJack quits the job he loves. His time as Professor Horseman is short-lived but it is still a small highlight in the life of the troubled horse.

Diane Marries Guy

Like Princess Carolyn and Todd, Diane also finds love again in the show’s final season. Diane moves to Chicago to be with Guy after falling for him whilst working together. She later informs BoJack in the series finale that they are now married and living in Houston together.

Guy is a great character who is consistently supportive of Diane. He is good-natured like Mr. Peanubutter but ultimately understands her better and the two are far more well-matched.

Todd Reunites With His Mother

Todd’s stepfather Jorge was introduced in the first half of the final season in an in-depth look into Todd’s family troubles. Todd reconnects with his parents gradually throughout the final season and saves his mother’s life by giving her his kidney.

Todd’s mother struggles to reconcile with her son out of guilt. However, a half-funny and half-awful situation that ends in Todd’s hijinks giving her a heart attack finally brings them together.

BoJack Finds Closure

BoJack has to pay for his crimes in the show’s final season, but the series finale sees him find closure along with the other characters. BoJack survives his near brush with death only to be sentenced to fourteen months in prison. He is granted a brief release from jail to attend Princess Carolyn’s wedding where he reconnects with his old friends.

The final scene of the show features BoJack and Diane sitting on a rooftop together under a sky full of stars. It is a hopeful image that signals the recovery of both characters.