Bojack Horseman is one of those shows that has a 70/30 percent split of sad reality to comedy ratio. It’s realness when taking on depression and self-destructiveness strike true to many and creates an original experience at how much it tackles real issues in a mature way. The comedy in Bojack Horseman is almost ironic in that sense in how tragic the story and characters are.

While comedy is overshadowed in real moments, the comedy the show does have is true and has created some really funny memes for fans to enjoy. So here are 10 hilarious memes from Bojack Horseman that true fans will understand.

Rewind it

Something we can all shamefully relate to. There can be so many good distractions that it’s easy to forget that you’re watching something on TV.

Combined with the fact the Bojack’s best part is its dialogue and it makes it not always necessary to be watching, but paying attention is still important as you can miss a lot in what’s going on in the plot. Well rewind it and so you can re-find the where you are in the plot.

Super Smash Intro

Bojack Horseman’s general episode formula and character goals put into Super Smash Bros. trailer format. It’s easy to imagine Nintendo using the exact dialogue to introduce the Bojack Horseman characters. Each one is extremely imaginative that you can visualize each character doing exactly what it says.

Especially Bojack sulking in, something he seems to do whenever he does something in any episode. “Todd’s wacky adventures,” adds a whole truth to the meme as Todd gets into something unbelievable every episode.

Never Skip

It’s a nice offer Netflix, but that’s a happy decline. The intro is a rare experience where most don’t skip it. It’s so visually trippy and eye engaging.

The intro changes with the happenings of the episode keeping consistent with the canon and combine that with Bojack Horseman’s amazing soundtrack and you get an intro that’s as good as watching the show and even necessary to the experience.

The Dog Dilemma

The pillow takes on a whole new meaning in Bojack Horseman if you know Diane’s relationships in the story. It completely ruins the innocence of the pillow taking on that meaning. Diane’s relationship with Mr. Peanutbutter says it all for what’s being implied in the meme.

Not even captions are necessary to understand Diane’s manimal ways. It’s pretty obvious what sex position is her favorite. It’s not the best pillow for dog lovers who let their dogs sleep on the bed without making them sound suspicious.

This Will Make Me Feel Better

A funny meme that comes from the sadness of Bojack Horseman and contains that ironic true comedy. The intro comes from the Miscarriage episode of Bojack Horseman and is tough to get through without shedding a tear. Everyone expects to escape their problems using TV but with Bojack Horseman, that expectation should be thrown out the window, put in a six-foot deep pit, lit with gasoline, and set on fire.

One of Bojack Horseman’s many real moments that can hit home deep. This specific episode goes through loss, something we all feel deeply. The meme plays off the “It’s just a show so it’s not mature to cry to it,” mindset that not many who aren’t as emotionally dead as Bojack can stand it.

Key to Happiness

The key to happiness is to distract yourself with unimportant nonsense until your dead, essentially the internet. That’s one way everyone chooses to live their life, not the best way but as long as it’s nonsense you enjoy there’s nothing to judge.

There can be many more fulfilling ways to live a life but Mr. Peanutbutter lives his frivolous life with his many crazy business adventures with Todd. Just another odd message from Bojack Horseman that says gives weird advice for life using its dysfunctional characters.

2nd Key To Happiness

Mr. Peanutbutter does seem generally upbeat attitude while this meme adds the morbid aspect of Mr. Peanutbutter’s life plan and philosophy. The universe is uncaring so never look deeper and care about the person you are and just distracting yourself. Not the healthiest way to live as this can lead to addictions and habits when you think about the philosophy, never look deeper or think about your actions.

Fitting for the characters of Bojack Horseman as they live a celebrity life where this could work for a while but can lead to the end of their careers. This meme captions straight from the Bojack Horseman, showing how funny the dialogue can be on its own.

Dead Inside and Out

So relatable. It’s humorous because of the odd need to put your hand over a stovetop to feel pain. An oddity that depression can put you through and can make you think if your outside of the depression mindset that Bojack Horseman shows off and portrays very accurately.

The dead inside emotional phase that Bojack goes through is common though Bojack denies it with the “I’m doing great,” mindset.  Even Bojack’s face adds to the meme that captions straight from the show.

Netflix Check-in

Bojack can be a sad show, so much so, and it’s apparently worth a corporation to check in on your mental health if you watch too much of it. While people watch endless hours of other shows it can be a problem for a depression gut-punch show like Bojack Horseman where it’s wonder what the person is going through to desire watching enough to desensitize him to the themes present.

Sometimes you can get so invested in a show that you forget to turn it off which is a more safe bet as to what happened if the person could watch the series without getting emotionally placed in it. It’s nice to know big brother is watching in a good way this time.

Something You Can’t Un-see

Now to brighten the mood with a cursed image you can’t unsee whenever you watch that scene. Now you are forced to imagine My Little Pony with Bojack faces and instead of cute cartoons, you have Bojack faces on all them demanding Diane to tell them they are good people even though they are now horrible abominations.

Good luck getting this image out of your head, ever.