Over its six seasons, BoJack Horseman explored some profound areas of personal change, tragedy, and growth. Along the way, it also cast its characters into some crazy relationships, some of them just so crazy that they worked out. However, the series had such a diverse range of unforgettable characters that we didn’t get to see all the relationships we would have liked to see. Here are ten of those most desired relationships that never happened.
Most of the time, the list focuses on couples that would have been satisfying, but in a few cases the list calls attention to characters who should’ve found a happy relationship, but the show didn’t have anyone who fit them.
Sextina Aquafina / Tom Jumbo-Grumbo
Admittedly, this couple primarily goes together because they are both aquatic mammals, but there’s a real potential for chemistry here, too. It would be a true May/December romance, to be sure, and it would be unlikely to last.
However, in the meantime, the two could show each other good times. Sextina could help Tom have some fun. Tom could provide Sextina with some stability and wisdom. It might also help Sextina to get some promotional exposure in traditional media. Plus, they’re both available, since Sextina is unattached and Tom is divorced.
Diane Nguyen / Flip McVicker
There are many arguments against this pairing, to be sure. Most of them relate to the fact that Flip, the writer/creator of BoJack’s detective show Philbert, is such a terrible human being and a terrible writer.
However, it isn’t as if Diane hasn’t been with terrible characters before (looking at you, BoJack), and it isn’t as if a bad relationship can’t make for good television. With this pairing of characters, there is the potential for a huge vortex of authorial self-loathing that it might have been very worthwhile to see.
Gina Cazador / Officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface
Over the course of the series, BoJack betrays and hurts a lot of women, and Gina Cazador, BoJack’s costar on Philbert is among the hardest to watch. She is hardworking, talented, and caught between the proverbial rock and hard place when it comes to her career. Although she manages to continue building her career after the choking incident, the emotional damage is clear.
Perhaps being with a strong, caring man like Officer Meow Meow might help her feel more secure. Plus, he could be a professional consultant.
Yolanda Buenaventura
Yolanda Buenaventura is one of the coolest side characters on BoJack Horseman. First, she’s an axolotl. Second, she’s very professional and helps break up Todd’s terrifying dentist/clown business. Most importantly, though, she has a strong sense of her identity as an asexual, and she helps Todd discover his own.
Like Todd, she has a very narrow population of potential partners to choose from, so it’s not surprising that one didn’t show up for her on the show. However, she deserves a good partner, and it would have been nice if the show had found one for her.
Courtney Portnoy / Sebastian St. Clair
This is a pair that truly deserve each other. On the one hand, it might seem sadistic to want to put these two together. Courtney Portnoy is the publicity-seeking star whose sham relationship with Todd was based on the fact that he was a “boring nobody” who would make her more relatable. Sebastian St. Clair is the self-promoting snow leopard “philanthropist” who wants Diane to write a novel about him.
This couple could really work because the two could largely avoid interfering with each other, while both would benefit from the publicity.
Vanessa Gekko / Vincent Adultman
On the subject of sadistic romances, there’s this potential pairing of Princess Caroline rival Vanessa Gekko and Vincent Adultman. Given how many things Vanessa callously took from Princess Caroline, it is surprising she didn’t steal more of her boyfriends.
And if she were going to steal one, there’s none we would wish on her more than Vincent Adultman, the three kids in a trenchcoat posing as an adult. Although often hilarious in a Chicken Boo from Animaniacs sort of way, the relationship was also painful to watch for Princess Caroline’s sake. It would’ve been nice to see Vanessa save Princess Caroline some emotional pain and get her comeuppance at the same time.
Ralph Stilton
Almost the complete opposite of the previous couple is Ralph Stilton, who seemed so good for Princess Caroline for so long. A caring, understanding, patient, and generous man, he put a lot into his relationship with her.
While nobody blames Princess Caroline for her ultimate decision to break up with Ralph and attempt the adventure of motherhood on her own, it would be nice to see Ralph end up with someone. As with Yolanda, though, there didn’t seem anyone on the show who might have been right for him. With so many harsh characters, it’s hard to find good matches for good people.
Katrina Peanutbutter / Woodchuck Coodchuck-Berkowitz
Speaking of harsh characters, there’s Mr. Peanutbutter’s ex-wife Katrina Peanutbutter, who returns to help him with his campaign for governor of California. She is very severe emotionally and hard to get along with, although professionally very competent. The same could be said for Woodchuck Coodchuck-Berkowitz, the governor that Mr. Peanutbutter challenges.
Personally rocky, the relationship would be professionally powerful, as the analyst and politician worked together. Plus, it’s a classic enemies-to-lovers arc that fills the pages of so many romance novels.
Stefani Stilton / Todd Chavez
Although there didn’t seem to be a good match for Ralph Stilton, his sister Stefani might have gotten along well with Todd Chavez, or, at least, some earlier versions of his character. A dynamic personality full of some crazy ideas. On the surface, this could make the two of them a very good couple, for a while. This would not be a relationship meant to last, but it would provide for all manner of hilarious gags. But these two simply ran in separate circles so they never got together.
Wanda Pierce / Mr. Peanutbutter
Romantically, Wanda Pierce was probably the best thing to ever happen to BoJack. However, the inverse could not be said to be true. Although BoJack tries to be his best, most caring self for the relationship with Wanda, his worst self inevitably comes back.
On the other hand, a relationship with Mr. Peanutbutter might have been perfect for her. The two upbeat characters could potentially be very good for each other. It might seem like too much positivity, but each of the characters has their own weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and they could potentially shore each other up. Would this ultimately have worked out? We’ll never know, but it’s fun to imagine how these characters might have come together.