What is a boosted post you ask?

A boosted post on facebook is an ad that you create from an existing post on your facebook page. But don’t just boost any post. Experts say that you should really only be boosting posts that are already performing well. To find out which ones they are simply head to your Facebook business page, click on Insights (which is at the top) and go to posts. You will find a list of all your recently-published posts and be able to see which ones work and which ones haven’t performed.  In your insights tab, you will want to click on the engagement rate, which will show you the interaction rate of all of your posts.  It’s recommended to boost the posts that are a) performing well, so that is, getting reactions, engagement, comments and shares… and b) that have a business focus, so posts that are aimed at getting you more business.   Boosting a post may help you to get more reactions, comments and shares on that post, and also helps you to grow your audience to reach new people who have similar interests, but who are not yet followers of your page. This audience can be targeted in any way from age, gender, location and event lookalike audiences.  Your Ultimate Cheat Sheet: How To Set Up Shopping On Socials Learn how to get set up to make sales via your socials!
When boosting a post you want to consider your budget, the duration you’d like to run the add for and the audience – which can all be changed at any time after boosting the add, unlike the text & image of your post which can not be changed once boosted.  You can track your boosted posts results, which means you can test and measure what works, and what doesn’t so that you have an idea of what works for the next time you craft a post and want to boost it.  Having a Facebook business page can help you to have a greater understanding of your best performing content, and what converts to a sale.  Posts that have images and videos tend to perform better than those that don’t but it really depends on what you want the add to do for you, as to what you post with it, which is the good thing about boosted ads; you have control over what it looks like, what you say and who you want it to reach, via who you target as your audience. Have fun, try things out, and learn what works and what doesn’t. Let us know how you go with boosting posts in the comments below! Happy Plann’ing!