Borderlands 3 is full of legendary loot and the best way to earn some legendary weapons is through boss fights. One of the earliest bosses players will face off against is Mouthpiece. A massive man with a giant shield and electrified speakers. Taking on Mouthpiece can be a bit of a challenge for new players but taking him down can earn you his legendary shotgun, the Mind-Killer.

The Mind-Killer shotgun isn’t a guaranteed drop, but luckily Mouthpiece is an easily farm-able boss. Once a player masters the boss fight, they can easily work their way back and do it again. Not only will this allow the player to build up their arsenal, but it will also produce a nice XP grind early on in the game. This guide will go through the boss fight itself as well as the farming method for Mouthpiece.

Fighting Mouthpiece in Borderlands 3

The first thing you will notice as you enter Mouthpiece’s arena is the stacks of speakers all around. Throughout the entire battle, Mouthpiece will make different sections of these speakers explode, causing massive damage to the player. Keep your eyes on the speakers through the battle and if they ever begin to glow pink, get out of there.

When the battle starts Mouthpiece will send his small minion army, the Apocalytes, to attack the player. They are easy to kill but can be overwhelming if you don’t take care of them quickly. You can also use them as an extra source for ammo and health during the battle.


Mouthpiece himself isn’t too difficult, he carries a giant shield that covers his front. This means back-attacks are the smartest choice. If you’re playing with friends this can be easily exploited by having one player be “bait” while the others work on Mouthpiece’s backside. If you’re a solo player the strategy is to aim for the section of his head that his shield doesn’t cover.

As long as you keep moving, avoiding the speakers, and keeping the Apocalytes in check then you shouldn’t have too much issue defeating Mouthpiece.

Once defeated, his loot will fly. Scoop up everything you can and get set up to do it again.

Farming for the Mind-Killer Gun in Borderlands 3

The Mind-Killer shotgun is a great weapon for the early-game. It produced a good amount of bonus weapon damage and has a solid fire rate for a shotgun. If Mouthpiece doesn’t immediately drop the Mind-Killer you can simply get back in there and fight him again. Once defeated you will be dropped off at the entrance of the level. Work your way back to Mouthpiece’s arena and he will be respawned and ready for another fight.

If you notice that Mouthpiece’s entrance gate is closed, you might have to leave the planet. Simply go to Sanctuary, and then back to the surface on Pandora, enter Ascension Bluff, and into Mouthpiece’s sonic throne room.

Overall, Mouthpiece is a solid way for players to practice their moves and build up a solid arsenal in the early-game. You can grind this boss for as long as you wish before taking on the rest of Pandora.

More: Where To Find Borderlands 3’s Best Weapon: The Porcelain Pipe Bomb

Borderlands 3 is available on Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC.