In Borderlands 3, there are quite a few bosses that players can fight throughout the game. Some are story bosses and others are hidden bosses that players aren’t required to defeat in order to beat the game. Tyreen the Destroyer is not one of these bosses. She is actually the final boss that players will need to defeat in order to complete the game.

After Troy’s death, Tyreen opens the Destroyer’s vault and fuses with the monsters in order to kill the player. If the players manage to defeat her, they could be rewarded with two unique legendary pistols: King’s Call or Queen’s Call. With this guide, players will learn all of her attacks, how to dodge them, and how to maximize their damage with abilities.

How to Start the Tyreen the Destroyer Boss Fight

Tyreen the Destroyer is the final boss of the entire game, and players won’t be able to fight her until they complete the Shadow of Starlight mission. Once that mission is complete, the Divine Retribution quest will be available to players. Players need to accept this mission, and then Tannis will open up a portal that leads to Pandora. Jump into the portal and head to the objective marker to begin the fight with Tyreen.


How to Dodge the Attacks of Tyreen the Destroyer

  • Crystal Line Attack: Tyreen’s most used attack, she shoots out three lines of purple crystals in a cone shape toward the players. If the player is constantly strafing and jumping at a distance then this attack shouldn’t be too difficult to dodge because the space between the lines gets wider and wider. Auto Targeting Energy Ball Attack: These are relatively slow-moving balls of energy that follow wherever the player goes. It’s pretty difficult to avoid these, but they can be destroyed by firing at them. They only take a bullet or two to destroy, so the best way to deal with them is to just directly shoot at them while avoiding the other attacks Rotating Golden Beam Attack: This attack is extremely powerful but can be easily dodged with some attention to detail. If players can recognize the rotation of the lasers, they can dodge them by following the path of the lasers. Spinning Laser Attack: This attack looks like a jump rope of lasers that approach the player, and players should treat it as much. Players need to keep their distance and wait for the laser to go to the bottom and then jump through. They need to be careful though because Tyreen will also shoot energy balls through the lasers that players will need to dodge as well. Sweeping Laser Attack: One of Tyreen’s later attacks, she sweeps the entire arena with golden lasers similar to the rotating attack starting from one side to the other. To dodge this, players need to again keep their distance and recognize which side Tyreen is starting from in order to give themselves the most time to dodge them.

Tips and Tricks to Defeat Tyreen the Destroyer

Tyreen’s weak spot is her head, so players should be targeting it all times. Also, players will want to stay constantly moving and keep themselves at a medium to long-range. Assault Rifles and Pistols work well because of their effectiveness at these ranges while still allowing players to keep their mobility throughout the fight. Strafing and jumping while attacking Tyreen is key to dodging her attacks, but players should be careful because Tyreen’s attack covers a lot of space and the boss arena can be smaller than expected. Players need to avoid the edges at all costs because they can easily get cornered or fall off.

Also, over time, Tyreen’s health bar will turn white, which means he’s immune and in the middle of changing phases. After Tyreen’s health bar turns white, she will eventually fall to the ground. Players will then have to climb the golden ledges on her back, and once on top of her back, players need to shoot the pink sparkles on top. Tyreen and her weak spot will then be vulnerable for a couple of seconds. Players should save their specials for these parts of the fight to maximize their damage. Tyreen will also spawn Varkids that players should not kill until they’re about to die because they will gain Second Wind when the Varkids are defeated. Once Tyreen has been defeated, players can then go into the vault and possibly get either the King’s Call or Queen’s Call legendary pistol.

More: Guide to Getting the One Pump Chump

Borderlands 3 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.